
And so we blinked and Hunter turned 3 months old. Wasn’t it only just yesterday he turned 2 months old? It’s pretty startling to see how different a 3 month old is to before.. he’s truly becoming a little boy now with his own personality and knows how to voice his likes/dislikes. He’s no longer the unaware newborn that sleeps and doesn’t do much else. He’s awake a lot more, and interacts with us like a mini kid. I can’t believe how quickly babies grow! I’ve already forgotten what it’s like to hold him and need to support his head and have him just lie there.
- Rolls over from tummy-to-back – probably the thing that had us most delighted this month was Hunter figuring out to roll himself over at 11 weeks. It was a surprise as he just suddenly started doing it one day, so I made him do it 5 times more just in case it was a fluke, heh.
- Tracks us across the room – His vision really extended this month and he now watches for us when we come round the corner and follows our movements when we walk across the room. We keep ourselves constantly amused by calling out his name and seeing him turn his head, eyes searching for us π
- Holds/waves around rattles and toys – He can grasp his rattles and toys and wave ’em all around.. but he’s not actually aware he’s doing it yet. LOL. So after a few mins, he’ll just let them fall out of his hand, and not realise it’s fallen either!
- Loves screens – He adores looking at our computer screen or the TV. Nothing fascinates him more! We discovered that he can do tummy time for quite awhile, as long as he’s plonked facing the TV, haha.
- Started wearing his 6-9month clothes – as of today, we packed away all his 3-6month old clothing, and washed all his 6-9month old stuff. He has a l-o-n-g body and a chubby torso, so he just keeps outgrowing his clothes!
Video of Hunter laughing during tummy time
oh bev, that baby is made out of gorgeous!
Awwwww hee thanks!
How in the world is Hunter 3 months old already????!!! It seems like it was just last week that you posted about his 1 month b-day!
Happy 3 months, Hunter! <3
LOL I’m with ya.. they really do grow up quick!
oh bev, that baby is made out of gorgeous!
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He is SO CUTE.
It’s a bit far off for me right now, but if I have to make this choice in future, I definitely want to be there for my kid(s) all the time! I think parenting in this sense, is SUPER IMPORTANT!!! π
I agree.. it’s SO important to have a family member to do full time care in my opinion, ‘cos a non-family member just doesn’t have a vested interest in their well being!
8Cnp3u , [url=http://bvvgplqmbmpm.com/]bvvgplqmbmpm[/url], [link=http://eysfkmldqngw.com/]eysfkmldqngw[/link], http://nthhfkmedtyc.com/
– Congrats to Autumn and James! My wedding is cmonig up next year and I am still debating on the theme of the wedding and down to the nitty gritty. I almost forgot about the pre-engagement photos. I love the color and how you bought out her eyes beautiful.LeslieJuly 19, 2010 4:06 pm
He is SO CUTE.
It’s a bit far off for me right now, but if I have to make this choice in future, I definitely want to be there for my kid(s) all the time! I think parenting in this sense, is SUPER IMPORTANT!!! π
Siiiip dah, pdhl saya baru mau nanya utk support dr kami untuk magejna blog ini tetap exist bagaimana ?(dalam bentuk donasi kami sebagai ungkapan trm ksh kami) tp setelah sy tengok di site barnya trnyata sdh ada, perlu konfirmasi ga bro apabila sdh melakukannya (donasi hehehehe) maju teruuuuuus yeeee salam. http://gywuzylm.com [url=http://yrqnvs.com]yrqnvs[/url] [link=http://tijpfoxvp.com]tijpfoxvp[/link]
Super adorable!
Time really flies! It’s so fun seeing them grow π
cute forever
what an adorable cute chubby checker! lol.
Re: cute forever
my gosh he’s humongous lol
Haha ya he’s on the big side! But I think settling down now
He’s starting to look a lot like Chris now π
I reckon his mannerisms are a lot like Chris!
Graham Hatton / Grea site! I’m relatively new to phhopgraoty. This site and your experience (as well as your willingness to share your experience) are exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much for being a true mentor they are hard to find now-a-days! Keep up the great work!
Time really flies! It’s so fun seeing them grow π
awwww he’s sucha happy bubbly baby!
(heh im sure i dunno whats going on behind-the-scenes! ;p)
Haha just Chris making silly faces, Hunter loves that!
cute forever
what an adorable cute chubby checker! lol.
Re: cute forever
my gosh he’s humongous lol
Visually stunning and subelpry realistic, Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 is a welcome upgrade and like last year, PES is finally moving in the right direction again to be the best football playing experience around.No discussion of PES 12 can even start before its compared to FIFA 12 as a benchmark, similar to how Championship Manager keeps being held up to the light to be compared against Football Manager. Its the curse of the underdog, but given that FIFA has been comfortably ahead for a few years after putting in considerably more effort in enhancing game play and graphics, its probably best to look at PES on its own.PES 12 has seen a number of welcome improvements to the AI and defensive play, but the stand out feature for most reviewers has been the off the ball player movement and the visuals, from things as simple as lighting, shadows and camera angles to the full-on video introductions to the Champions League. But where Konami still have more work to do is on the gameplay and although the new edition is considerably improved from last year the player movement and AI decisions are not as refined and realistic as they could be, and this is one area that you can expect Konami to improve upon in PES 13. Whether its the player moment across the turf or the player controls, you will notice an improvement from PES 11 but still be left wanting for more.But that is the FIFA 12 fan talking. In truth, PES 12 is the pest Pro Evo edition yet, and its closing the gap between PES and FIFA when it comes to creating the perfect football gaming experience.This is a sponsored post.PES 12 Reviewreplytuallinksut22h http://gtyrsfas.com [url=http://khmwjs.com]khmwjs[/url] [link=http://xbdxaupdox.com]xbdxaupdox[/link]
He’s starting to look a lot like Chris now π
I reckon his mannerisms are a lot like Chris!
awwww he’s sucha happy bubbly baby!
(heh im sure i dunno whats going on behind-the-scenes! ;p)
Haha just Chris making silly faces, Hunter loves that!