Hunter, Uncategorized OREO CHEESECAKE! 1 March 2011

For Hunter’s 1-month birthday, I decided to bake a Oreo Cheesecake to celebrate. I hadn’t made one in ages and was hankering for one because they are almost impossible to buy here in Shanghai. I used this recipe and it turned out well! Very dense and rich… a bit of a dieter’s nightmare 😉

Homemade Oreo Cheesecake


Wine from Hunter Valley to celebrate Hunter’s 1-month. Heh.

Movie of me rambling away after Hunter’s first bath

Movie of Hunter’s first swim at 4.5 weeks – his bewildered expression is freakin’ hilarious!!!
He now clocks in at 5.23kg (11.5lbs).

You Are a Chocolate Milkshake

You are fair, principled, and very tolerant. You have a strong personality, but others still appreciate you.
You know your own tastes and values. You couldn’t be someone else even if you tried!

You are intensely passionate, especially about causes and people you believe in. You are very idealistic.
You try to live your life with a higher purpose. You want every one of your days to mean something.

Let’s Chat!

Let's Chat!

Ohhh lucky! Man, that wine is my #1 favourite – all of theirs is awesome 🙂

It’s just a thing that they have here, for infants to swim and play. Very cute!

Ohhh lucky! Man, that wine is my #1 favourite – all of theirs is awesome 🙂

It’s just a thing that they have here, for infants to swim and play. Very cute!

cake looks yummy
his face is so funny, he seems easy, no crying, just enjoying! very cute.
Eh do I hear Chris is now carrying a chinese accent? hilarious!

He’s soooooo cute! I really can’t wait to see him!!! Love that swimming video of him 😛 He is enjoying it huh

i think u shld get him a swim diaper or swimming trunks (in case he poos in water).

u can also ‘cycle’ his legs in the water for warm up so that hunter knows what to do in water..

i think baby swimming is quite a joy to watch! and hunter’s really huge!

They want them naked in the tub, cos each baby has their own new liner and fresh water in the tub each time.. so no swimming clothes required!

We got a package there.. you’re right, they’re so cute to watch!

That Oreo Cheesecake looks sooo good! I wish I can bake cakes like you – you make it so fuss free and easy! Love Hunter’s expression and you’re looking good, Babe!

cake looks yummy
his face is so funny, he seems easy, no crying, just enjoying! very cute.
Eh do I hear Chris is now carrying a chinese accent? hilarious!

I follow a few new mummy blogs, and I must all babies are cute, but Hunter is one of the cutest babies ever 🙂 He really is much bigger than a new born/1 month old baby usually is – love how his tummy looks and overall physique looks like he’s been well loved and fed by mommy. And you are a seriously radiant and happy looking mommy too 🙂


I love the videos! It’s great to see you guys! lol where was he swimming? Is it a baby swim place? Again, Hunter looks so much bigger than his age!

Wine from Hunter Valley! Ha ha! You have to take him there now. Babies must love to swim … was that in a hospital? Is that Chris speaking? His accent is … is … I would not have picked him as an Australian if I hadn’t already known!

nah it was in a place that specialises in baby swimming.. it’s cute 😛

Yeah that’s Chris, he sounds semi-british, people usually say!

Hehe yep. I’ve had people guess South African, New Zealander, British, American.. even German-whose-learnt-English. Everything really.

I just figured I sounded Australian.

He’s soooooo cute! I really can’t wait to see him!!! Love that swimming video of him 😛 He is enjoying it huh

i think u shld get him a swim diaper or swimming trunks (in case he poos in water).

u can also ‘cycle’ his legs in the water for warm up so that hunter knows what to do in water..

i think baby swimming is quite a joy to watch! and hunter’s really huge!

They want them naked in the tub, cos each baby has their own new liner and fresh water in the tub each time.. so no swimming clothes required!

We got a package there.. you’re right, they’re so cute to watch!

That Oreo Cheesecake looks sooo good! I wish I can bake cakes like you – you make it so fuss free and easy! Love Hunter’s expression and you’re looking good, Babe!

From Jaidjo

Freakin adorable! Can u explain the swim? Is that common in China?
I’m in the U.S. and I’ve never seen that ring they put around the baby’s head.

Re: From Jaidjo

It’s just something for babies to enjoy. .they can start within a few weeks of birth and they do it up to 1 or 2 yrs old I think!

That expression of his with the swim IS bewildered! Awww! LOL that is too adorable and I’ve never seen that, baby swim lessons that young but hes really moving his feet and everything. That was adorable 🙂

loved it 🙂


I follow a few new mummy blogs, and I must all babies are cute, but Hunter is one of the cutest babies ever 🙂 He really is much bigger than a new born/1 month old baby usually is – love how his tummy looks and overall physique looks like he’s been well loved and fed by mommy. And you are a seriously radiant and happy looking mommy too 🙂


I love the videos! It’s great to see you guys! lol where was he swimming? Is it a baby swim place? Again, Hunter looks so much bigger than his age!

Wine from Hunter Valley! Ha ha! You have to take him there now. Babies must love to swim … was that in a hospital? Is that Chris speaking? His accent is … is … I would not have picked him as an Australian if I hadn’t already known!

nah it was in a place that specialises in baby swimming.. it’s cute 😛

Yeah that’s Chris, he sounds semi-british, people usually say!

Hehe yep. I’ve had people guess South African, New Zealander, British, American.. even German-whose-learnt-English. Everything really.

I just figured I sounded Australian.

From Jaidjo

Freakin adorable! Can u explain the swim? Is that common in China?
I’m in the U.S. and I’ve never seen that ring they put around the baby’s head.

Re: From Jaidjo

It’s just something for babies to enjoy. .they can start within a few weeks of birth and they do it up to 1 or 2 yrs old I think!

That expression of his with the swim IS bewildered! Awww! LOL that is too adorable and I’ve never seen that, baby swim lessons that young but hes really moving his feet and everything. That was adorable 🙂

loved it 🙂
