Hello world.
Today is the 19th of January and technically my “due date”. And whilst I know that 50% of women pop before and 50% after their due date, I was convinced I’d be in the former group…. so only God knows why I’m still preggers!
In an effort to send him an *ahem* eviction notice, I hit the gym 3x a week and do yoga 2x a day. In the past few days, I’ve stopped doing that since Mum and Dad are here, but instead replaced it with whole-day-long shopping sessions which involve walking a whole ton. But still no luck!!! He is snugly burrowed in me and loves to kick and move constantly, but not keen to move out. Gah.
So what do I look like at Due Date? Kinda freakish, that’s what 😛 Like I’m about to topple over at any moment. Enough to make people actually shriek (not exaggerating here!) when I turn around and they spot my belly! If you’re an attention seeker, I totally recommend wandering around town pregnant.. especially in China. People totally STARE in curiosity and amazement!
But anyway, here I am, sporting my jaw-dropping, unbelievable, 40″ waist circumference!:
At home, comparing bellies 😉

All rugged up
It’s cooooold in Shanghai, eek!
Shoplifting a watermelon
OK come on out now ‘lil one. IT’S TIME!
Please send me all your happy-labour-dust thoughts 😛
Yeah, I also popped by to see if you’ve delivered. Updates!
Yeah, I also popped by to see if you’ve delivered. Updates!
All the best for the delivery, hope everything goes smoothly! Looks like he’s going to be a mummy’s boy… 😉
All the best for the delivery, hope everything goes smoothly! Looks like he’s going to be a mummy’s boy… 😉
Good luck with the delivery!! <3
hey bev, all the best with the pregnancy – you do look amazing – like everyone else said, you can’t tell you’re preggers until you see your belly!
one of my friends, when she was overdue, was constantly eating curries and chillie-infused foods. that’s supposed to help the little one hurry up! (apparently).
ps i have been following your blog & and off since your gemz days! (just never bothered to sign up to livepost 😉
Good luck with the delivery!! <3
Sending good thoughts OMMMMMMMMM was thinking about you.
I was wondering if that’s why you went off updating. But I hope things go well! You look gloriously healthy! 🙂
I know… i’m a cartoon from the side, haha!
And thank you hon 🙂
hey bev, all the best with the pregnancy – you do look amazing – like everyone else said, you can’t tell you’re preggers until you see your belly!
one of my friends, when she was overdue, was constantly eating curries and chillie-infused foods. that’s supposed to help the little one hurry up! (apparently).
ps i have been following your blog & and off since your gemz days! (just never bothered to sign up to livepost 😉
Sending good thoughts OMMMMMMMMM was thinking about you.
I was wondering if that’s why you went off updating. But I hope things go well! You look gloriously healthy! 🙂
I know… i’m a cartoon from the side, haha!
And thank you hon 🙂
You look so cute pregnant. 🙂
I can understand that you’re sick of being huge (although you really aren’t) and desperately want to meet your son, but you really aren’t overdue until 2 weeks over your due date,and you don’t want to have to have unnecessary interventions (ouchy). Relax and enjoy not having to wake up every three hours. He will be here soon enough 🙂
We’ll def be so relieved once we get to meet him! Reaaally hoping I don’t have to have an induction, they are not fun 🙁
Good luck, Bev!
I dreamt about ‘delivering’ every single night when my first baby passed his due date to come out. Boy, talk about anticipations!
OMG I do that! Every time I’m convinced I’m in labour, but nope……. lol
You look so cute pregnant. 🙂
I can understand that you’re sick of being huge (although you really aren’t) and desperately want to meet your son, but you really aren’t overdue until 2 weeks over your due date,and you don’t want to have to have unnecessary interventions (ouchy). Relax and enjoy not having to wake up every three hours. He will be here soon enough 🙂
We’ll def be so relieved once we get to meet him! Reaaally hoping I don’t have to have an induction, they are not fun 🙁
Good luck, Bev!
I dreamt about ‘delivering’ every single night when my first baby passed his due date to come out. Boy, talk about anticipations!
OMG I do that! Every time I’m convinced I’m in labour, but nope……. lol
Happy you are OK
The Wife and I are happy that you are OK and posting again. Looking forward to baby photos.
Re: Happy you are OK
Thanks hon 🙂 Hopefully very very soon…
all the best to your labour. hope it will be painless.
so exciting!! 🙂
Thank you hon, I can’t wait!
Happy you are OK
The Wife and I are happy that you are OK and posting again. Looking forward to baby photos.
Re: Happy you are OK
Thanks hon 🙂 Hopefully very very soon…
lol eviction notice! I hope he comes soon! GL with everything! So excited for you guys!
LOL yeah.. gave him one repeatedly over the past 2 weeks, but no luck yet!
all the best to your labour. hope it will be painless.
so exciting!! 🙂
Thank you hon, I can’t wait!
baby, it’s time to see the world NOW! getting too comfy in there! come OUT!!!
beverly, i know this feeling. omg. can’t wait for you to pop 🙂
Haha I know.. there’s so little space in there though, so dunno why he doesn’t just pop on out!
When I was looking at the first two pics I thought you didn’t look that big but when I scrolled down to the last pic…..it really shows how big your tum is! But you’re looking good! still very slim everywhere else. Wishing you a smooth labour!
I think the last side-on pic is particularly scary/hilarious 😛 like I’m carrying twins! Hopefully he doesn’t get much bigger ‘cos I worry about being able to give birth to him easily… :X
your tummy is huge for your tiny frame. and you’re still smiling and looking like you’re having fun
Yeah, I reckon I look like a comic character 😉
Get chris to help with the eviction notice! 😉
I went overdue by 5 days before gg into labour and even then she didn’t want to come out and had to be yanked out!
Sending labour vibes to SHA!
Boy i so wish they just pop out easily… the wait is painful!
Looks to me like the baby has decided to be an Aquarius and not a Capricorn? Probably not a bad sun sign to have since you both relocate and travel so much. Having a child that copes well with that would suit you. I predict it won’t pop till the signs change but that’s soon so not to worry. I also imagine you will get even more attention with a newborn in tow than you did at 9 months pregnant. The difference is it will all be flattering attention and some of it will be on the baby. Best of luck! 🙂
I’m not v familiar with starsigns, so whichever is a-ok with me! Heh I think after he is born, 110% attention will go to him 😛
Aww I thought you already gave birth.. All the best Bev! Wishing you a smooth and easy delivery. Much love, M 🙂
Man I thought I would’ve too… a bit shocked we’re still waiting!
lol eviction notice! I hope he comes soon! GL with everything! So excited for you guys!
LOL yeah.. gave him one repeatedly over the past 2 weeks, but no luck yet!
eek… sending eviction vibes your way. if it’ll make you feel any better (it probably doesn’t, lol) i’ve only three weeks to go and my baby is still breech!
every day i keep checking this and your FB for updates, hahaha.
come on, baby… out already! everyone wants to meet you!
Ooo can you still go for a natural birth then? Here’s hoping your baby flips over and you have an easy birth! 🙂
baby, it’s time to see the world NOW! getting too comfy in there! come OUT!!!
beverly, i know this feeling. omg. can’t wait for you to pop 🙂
Haha I know.. there’s so little space in there though, so dunno why he doesn’t just pop on out!
according to my mom, i stayed in her tummy 1 whole week before deciding to come out 😉
hope you have your baby soon!
Aww you were nice and snug in there I bet 😛 I was 2 days late, so I guess it’s quite normal to be overdue.. just that I’m so bad with patience!
woman, you’re looking super glowy! and big LOl @ shoplifting a watermelon.
good luck and hope he comes out soon!
I’d be even MORE glowy if/when he comes out 😛 Right now, very bored of being preggers, hehe
You look beautiful and maternal 🙂
My niece was due on June 30 of 2008 and she didn’t make her lazy appearance until July 6 (the day before a scheduled induction). So hang in there!
Awww thank you! I really hope I will be.
Man I don’t wanna wait another week.. but at the rate I’m going, I think I will :X
Woah big belly!!! I think for the first baby, it is very common to have the baby after the due date. Hang in there.
Thanks a bunch for the b-day wishes and the virtual gift, so cute 😉
Yeah you’ore right.. just wish I was in the uncommon group, heh.
Have a lovely bday week!!
I’m sure baby will come soon, don’t worry 🙂
Thanks again!
When I was looking at the first two pics I thought you didn’t look that big but when I scrolled down to the last pic…..it really shows how big your tum is! But you’re looking good! still very slim everywhere else. Wishing you a smooth labour!
I think the last side-on pic is particularly scary/hilarious 😛 like I’m carrying twins! Hopefully he doesn’t get much bigger ‘cos I worry about being able to give birth to him easily… :X
your tummy is huge for your tiny frame. and you’re still smiling and looking like you’re having fun
Yeah, I reckon I look like a comic character 😉
I went 2 days over by due date..hang in there babe! It’s going to get CRAZY once he is out!
Hey so did my mum with me! I’m hoping I’m only 2 days over.. and not much longer :X
Awww thanks! I’ve stacked on *ahem* girth everywhere, but it’s not as easy to see with all my winter clothes on, thankfully 😛 Just hoping I lose it all afterwards!
All the best! You still look great!
Thank you sweetie! Fingers crossed for the next few days….
LOL you’re so funny… but thank you 🙂
Can’t wait to meet him!!
All the best babe! Hope you have a smooth delivery. I am praying my lil bub will be on time or better yet EARLY!
I’m praying I do…. and you too! Not long for you too:)
Get chris to help with the eviction notice! 😉
I went overdue by 5 days before gg into labour and even then she didn’t want to come out and had to be yanked out!
Sending labour vibes to SHA!
Boy i so wish they just pop out easily… the wait is painful!
Looks to me like the baby has decided to be an Aquarius and not a Capricorn? Probably not a bad sun sign to have since you both relocate and travel so much. Having a child that copes well with that would suit you. I predict it won’t pop till the signs change but that’s soon so not to worry. I also imagine you will get even more attention with a newborn in tow than you did at 9 months pregnant. The difference is it will all be flattering attention and some of it will be on the baby. Best of luck! 🙂
I’m not v familiar with starsigns, so whichever is a-ok with me! Heh I think after he is born, 110% attention will go to him 😛
Aww I thought you already gave birth.. All the best Bev! Wishing you a smooth and easy delivery. Much love, M 🙂
Man I thought I would’ve too… a bit shocked we’re still waiting!
I thought you gave birth already since you didn’t update your livejournal the last couple of days!! 😀 I want to see your baby boy!! He needs to come out now!! 😀
Grrr I WISH!! I would much rather have him in my arms then wriggling all around in my belly 😉
i didn’t realise how big you were, until your last photo!!omg!
all the best bev 🙂
Yeah, I have to admit it’s quite startling once I turn side-on 😉 People’s reactions are quite funny!
Sending all my happy-labour-dust thoughts and much love!! ♥ Can’t wait to see the lil bubs!
Hehe thanks hon, hoping he comes VERY soon!
eek… sending eviction vibes your way. if it’ll make you feel any better (it probably doesn’t, lol) i’ve only three weeks to go and my baby is still breech!
every day i keep checking this and your FB for updates, hahaha.
come on, baby… out already! everyone wants to meet you!
Ooo can you still go for a natural birth then? Here’s hoping your baby flips over and you have an easy birth! 🙂
according to my mom, i stayed in her tummy 1 whole week before deciding to come out 😉
hope you have your baby soon!
Aww you were nice and snug in there I bet 😛 I was 2 days late, so I guess it’s quite normal to be overdue.. just that I’m so bad with patience!
woman, you’re looking super glowy! and big LOl @ shoplifting a watermelon.
good luck and hope he comes out soon!
I’d be even MORE glowy if/when he comes out 😛 Right now, very bored of being preggers, hehe
Maybe she was from China? They’re not being rude when they stare here, it’s just that pregnancy is very special to them so they’re super interested.. it’s nice! 🙂
You look beautiful and maternal 🙂
My niece was due on June 30 of 2008 and she didn’t make her lazy appearance until July 6 (the day before a scheduled induction). So hang in there!
Awww thank you! I really hope I will be.
Man I don’t wanna wait another week.. but at the rate I’m going, I think I will :X
Woah big belly!!! I think for the first baby, it is very common to have the baby after the due date. Hang in there.
Thanks a bunch for the b-day wishes and the virtual gift, so cute 😉
Yeah you’ore right.. just wish I was in the uncommon group, heh.
Have a lovely bday week!!
I’m sure baby will come soon, don’t worry 🙂
Thanks again!
I went 2 days over by due date..hang in there babe! It’s going to get CRAZY once he is out!
Hey so did my mum with me! I’m hoping I’m only 2 days over.. and not much longer :X
Awww thanks! I’ve stacked on *ahem* girth everywhere, but it’s not as easy to see with all my winter clothes on, thankfully 😛 Just hoping I lose it all afterwards!
All the best! You still look great!
Thank you sweetie! Fingers crossed for the next few days….
LOL you’re so funny… but thank you 🙂
Can’t wait to meet him!!
All the best babe! Hope you have a smooth delivery. I am praying my lil bub will be on time or better yet EARLY!
I’m praying I do…. and you too! Not long for you too:)
You look awesome, Babe! So glowy! Love your pink ensemble in the last pic. Your baby is probably soooo comfy in there, seeing it’s soooo cold outside! Is it still snowing today?
Super excited for the both of you!
Yeah it’s snowing all week and quite miserable weather outside, so I suppose I can’t blame him 😉
If cousins are anything to go by, I gave birth at 41.5 weeks!!!
It’s so common for first-time mums to go overdue, but I was hoping that I wouldn’t! Booo..
I think by 41.5 wks I’ll have gone clinically insane – I’m not v good with the whole patience thing 😉
ooo.. good luck! I can understand how people would be surprise when they see a side view since you look quite tiny still without the tummy 🙂
I will admit my profile view is kinda startling, LOL. I freak myself out too sometimes!
Yes I thought the same thing – no posts for a while, obviously has more pressing matters to attend to. I have to admit I wasn’t paying attention so judging from your size, I assumed you were due weeks ago. If it’s only today then I guess it could still be a few more days. In this weather I would be reluctant to leave as well!
Just enjoy the last few days of being a DINKY (dual income, no kids yet)!
Well I was full term 3 weeks ago but didn’t end up popping.. and today’s my due date but can go up to 2 weeks after this. It’s such a huuuuge margin to give birth in, d’oh!
Now you know for when you have kids 😉
Yes, it’s certainly been educational reading your posts these last few months!
Every time there’s a few days posting break I think “ah, she’s finally had the baby”, but unfortunately not!
Best of luck, hopefully you guys won’t have to wait too much longer. =)
Just feels like the days are starting to drag on longer and longer, but at least I know I won’t go past this month, so the end is in sight!
So far that ain’t workin either, hehe..
All the best, Bev!! Can’t wait to see the lil one! =D
Thank you sweetie!
Yes, shop and walk more! I popped the next day, after I went on a intensive shopping trip. But given that you exercised so much, you probably need more walking then me:P
And yes, you look like you are carrying a watermelon under that sweater! Do have a smooth delivery. Baby, be nice to mummy and make your appearance soon=)
I’ve been doing that a ton, but no such lucky yet! Booooo…
Maybe I just need to shop even more, teehee
Haha..U reminded me when i was about to give birth to my elder son. I was scheduled for a csection at 5pm then, I was out @ Tangs Stila launch.. grabbed 2 ES from that collection & was entitled to a Free makeover.. when i told the SA, sorry, i can’t put on mu cos i’m having a C-Section later.. Her jaw literally dropped! lol
Keep it going! It’s nice to see a healthy bubbly Preggie still full of energy! 😀
hahaha hilarious, you must’ve totally freaked her out!! 😛
I thought you gave birth already since you didn’t update your livejournal the last couple of days!! 😀 I want to see your baby boy!! He needs to come out now!! 😀
Grrr I WISH!! I would much rather have him in my arms then wriggling all around in my belly 😉
i didn’t realise how big you were, until your last photo!!omg!
all the best bev 🙂
Yeah, I have to admit it’s quite startling once I turn side-on 😉 People’s reactions are quite funny!
Sending all my happy-labour-dust thoughts and much love!! ♥ Can’t wait to see the lil bubs!
Hehe thanks hon, hoping he comes VERY soon!
com’on wee one! the whole world’s waiting for you to make your appearance!!
He really likes being tucked up warm inside.. guess Shanghai’s snow doesn’t do it for him 😛
I’ve been thinking about you the last few days, wondering if the lack of updates meant you were possibly in labour right now! Sending you birthing vibes 🙂
Boy how I WISH! Well hoping I’ll pop in the next few days and actually warrant a lack of updates 😛
you look so cute in that winter jacket!
I’m soooo glad it still fits me, though just barely!
Btw the bottles are sooo nice, THANK YOU so much, it’s super sweet of you 🙂 🙂
lol at shoplifting a watermelon. C’mon baby! we want to see you!
I think he’s a lil shy in showing his face or something, heh!
Sending eviction vibes your way! Good luck! Can’t wait to see the little man. Your mum must be sooo excited!
I find it rude though! You look awfully slim except for a big tum-tum! *envious*
Not so bad, they’re v nice to me so I can’t complain, hee!
Wow Bev, your belly IS big! Hahaha…
Good luck darl! I hope the lil one comes out soon! Can’t wait to see him 🙂
I know.. don’t I look like I’m gonna topple, hehe!
Maybe she was from China? They’re not being rude when they stare here, it’s just that pregnancy is very special to them so they’re super interested.. it’s nice! 🙂
You look awesome, Babe! So glowy! Love your pink ensemble in the last pic. Your baby is probably soooo comfy in there, seeing it’s soooo cold outside! Is it still snowing today?
Super excited for the both of you!
Yeah it’s snowing all week and quite miserable weather outside, so I suppose I can’t blame him 😉
If cousins are anything to go by, I gave birth at 41.5 weeks!!!
It’s so common for first-time mums to go overdue, but I was hoping that I wouldn’t! Booo..
I think by 41.5 wks I’ll have gone clinically insane – I’m not v good with the whole patience thing 😉
ooo.. good luck! I can understand how people would be surprise when they see a side view since you look quite tiny still without the tummy 🙂
I will admit my profile view is kinda startling, LOL. I freak myself out too sometimes!
Yes I thought the same thing – no posts for a while, obviously has more pressing matters to attend to. I have to admit I wasn’t paying attention so judging from your size, I assumed you were due weeks ago. If it’s only today then I guess it could still be a few more days. In this weather I would be reluctant to leave as well!
Just enjoy the last few days of being a DINKY (dual income, no kids yet)!
Well I was full term 3 weeks ago but didn’t end up popping.. and today’s my due date but can go up to 2 weeks after this. It’s such a huuuuge margin to give birth in, d’oh!
Now you know for when you have kids 😉
Yes, it’s certainly been educational reading your posts these last few months!
Every time there’s a few days posting break I think “ah, she’s finally had the baby”, but unfortunately not!
Best of luck, hopefully you guys won’t have to wait too much longer. =)
Just feels like the days are starting to drag on longer and longer, but at least I know I won’t go past this month, so the end is in sight!
So far that ain’t workin either, hehe..
All the best, Bev!! Can’t wait to see the lil one! =D
Thank you sweetie!
Yes, shop and walk more! I popped the next day, after I went on a intensive shopping trip. But given that you exercised so much, you probably need more walking then me:P
And yes, you look like you are carrying a watermelon under that sweater! Do have a smooth delivery. Baby, be nice to mummy and make your appearance soon=)
I’ve been doing that a ton, but no such lucky yet! Booooo…
Maybe I just need to shop even more, teehee
Haha..U reminded me when i was about to give birth to my elder son. I was scheduled for a csection at 5pm then, I was out @ Tangs Stila launch.. grabbed 2 ES from that collection & was entitled to a Free makeover.. when i told the SA, sorry, i can’t put on mu cos i’m having a C-Section later.. Her jaw literally dropped! lol
Keep it going! It’s nice to see a healthy bubbly Preggie still full of energy! 😀
hahaha hilarious, you must’ve totally freaked her out!! 😛
com’on wee one! the whole world’s waiting for you to make your appearance!!
He really likes being tucked up warm inside.. guess Shanghai’s snow doesn’t do it for him 😛
I’ve been thinking about you the last few days, wondering if the lack of updates meant you were possibly in labour right now! Sending you birthing vibes 🙂
Boy how I WISH! Well hoping I’ll pop in the next few days and actually warrant a lack of updates 😛
you look so cute in that winter jacket!
I’m soooo glad it still fits me, though just barely!
Btw the bottles are sooo nice, THANK YOU so much, it’s super sweet of you 🙂 🙂
lol at shoplifting a watermelon. C’mon baby! we want to see you!
I think he’s a lil shy in showing his face or something, heh!
Sending eviction vibes your way! Good luck! Can’t wait to see the little man. Your mum must be sooo excited!
I find it rude though! You look awfully slim except for a big tum-tum! *envious*
Not so bad, they’re v nice to me so I can’t complain, hee!
Wow Bev, your belly IS big! Hahaha…
Good luck darl! I hope the lil one comes out soon! Can’t wait to see him 🙂
I know.. don’t I look like I’m gonna topple, hehe!