Sadly though, as you can see in the chart above, I am on the high end of weight-gain.. no other nice way to put it π I officially hit my “I’ve gained 10KG” mark this week π
I know more than a handful of women that are boasting mere 1-3KG weight gains so far (and they’re nearly as far along pregnant as I am). So it’s pretty damn evident to me that I am NOT one of those lucky slim women that look all petite and thin during their pregnancy… and instead am blowing up like a blimp. It’s frustrating, but nothing I can do about it and at least I’m comforted by the thought that the baby is healthy and doing really well. And fortunately, Chris doesn’t declare that I’m really fat and instead says he’s pleased I’m putting on weight to cook his bun in the oven π Whew!
I completely and totally attribute a smooth pregnancy with no symptoms (umm.. so far anyway) to EXERCISE. I know it’s a bit strange hearing me (of all people!) advocating exercise.. but I totally swear by it now. Every since the 1st day we discovered I was pregnant, I’ve been hitting the gym 3 times a week, every single week, without fail. I crave exercise. I NEED it. It makes me feel sooooo good, and is one guaranteed thing to put our ‘lil baby to sleep (he zonks off with all the lulling movement, I think). Plus, it many respects, it makes me feel less guilty and horrified about my ballooning belly. I may be on the very high end of weight gain, but at least I know I’m still HEALTHY because I’m doing so much exercise.
I know Chinese people actually discourage exercise and being active, but medically it’s the BEST thing to do! Healthier mother, healthier baby. Better recovery time, and all round good for your body. And I strongly believe that it’s because of the huge amount of activity + exercise that I’ve had whilst pregnant that has translated to NO nausea, NO leg/muscle/back aches, NO headaches, NO swelling, NO indigestion, NO… everything, basically. And so, to all my lovely pregnant or soon-to-be-pregnant girl friends out there, I totally recommend exercising your heart out when you’re pregnant – it feels GREAT!!! And since I now know almost 25 women that are pregnant (whoaaaaa…), here’s wishing a healthy and smooth pregnancy ahead to all π

YES, THANK YOU!! I totally agree with you on the exercising bit!! Everyone gives me weird stares (and, unsolicited comments on how I shouldn’t be straining myself whilst I’m expecting). Nvm, you’ll definitely reap the rewards of it all at the end of it. And, for someone who put on 10kg, you aren’t showing one bit!! π
YES, THANK YOU!! I totally agree with you on the exercising bit!! Everyone gives me weird stares (and, unsolicited comments on how I shouldn’t be straining myself whilst I’m expecting). Nvm, you’ll definitely reap the rewards of it all at the end of it. And, for someone who put on 10kg, you aren’t showing one bit!! π
Woman, you look great! I wish I looked half as good when I was pregnant.
Aww thanks sweetie π
Woman, you look great! I wish I looked half as good when I was pregnant.
Aww thanks sweetie π
You look lovely and I’m glad you’re doing so well. Have you thought about your birth at all? Have you planned how you want to birth? (Being a doula, that’s always on my brain.)
Chris and I have talked about it and I know I want to go for a natural birth with no drugs, but that said, I’m not committed to it because I know things can change and it depends on how I feel!
And immediately after I heard babies are very alert for the 1st hr so we wanna be sure we’re alone with him (without intervention) to interact and bond, and also do the first breastfeed.
If you have any tips or sugggestions on stuff we really should/shouldn’t be doing I’d love to hear em – you’re the expert!
total agree that exercise makes you feel so much better! have you tried aqua aerobics? totally makes you feel WEIGHTLESS π
Oh nooo not yet! It’s not walkable from my place (i’m v lazy, heh) so haven’t ventured into aqua aerobics or prenatal yoga territory yet. Also, I prefer hard core cardio and weights so those 2 activities aren’t intense enough for me and don’t make me feel ‘worked out’ enough!
I’m so proud of you hun! And I’m totally agreeing with you on the Chinese mentality that women shouldn’t excercise whilst being pregnant. It’s the reverse actually unless the doctor specifically tells you not to do so if you are having a difficult pregnancy. So heheh, it sounds like you are physically more active now π
Looking really svelte and good :)Definitely going to be a hawty mama!
I’m glad I’m not the only one.. cos I’m (obviously) the minority here and my local colleagues/friends freak out a bit with me!
Hoping to keep it up…. I guess we’ll see π
You look lovely and I’m glad you’re doing so well. Have you thought about your birth at all? Have you planned how you want to birth? (Being a doula, that’s always on my brain.)
Chris and I have talked about it and I know I want to go for a natural birth with no drugs, but that said, I’m not committed to it because I know things can change and it depends on how I feel!
And immediately after I heard babies are very alert for the 1st hr so we wanna be sure we’re alone with him (without intervention) to interact and bond, and also do the first breastfeed.
If you have any tips or sugggestions on stuff we really should/shouldn’t be doing I’d love to hear em – you’re the expert!
I’ve kinda gotta laugh at what you call “huge” – you still look tiny to me – but I know such things are subjective.
To make you feel better, my mother when pregnant with my sister, was advised by her doctor to practically diet (?) and stay as thin as possible – what happened was that my sister was kinda undersized and the birth was difficult and she had terrible colic for three months.
When I came around four years later, my mom got another doctor who told her to eat, eat and eat and my mom did – she especially pigged out on ice cream. I was born with zero complications, a 8lb shiny, happy baby with no colic.
While it’s important not to let one’s weight get out of control, I believe it’s better to err on the side of a bit too much than a bit too little – for the baby’s sake.
Well, definitely huge compared to pre-pregnancy.. cos my clothes dont fit me, doh!
I think it’s unsafe to diet for sure, but I guess it makes sense not to go bonkers and eat all sorts of fatty food too… oops…..
Hi Bev…
I am really interested to know if you stop exercising during the first 3 months stabilizing period when you discovered you were pregnant?
Thanks for the above tips cos I am so looking forward to getting pregnant (and also less fearful) after reading your posts. π
Nooo def not, in fact, it was when I was exercising the ‘hardest’/most, as I was doing full-on runs on the treadmill!
Our doc, and also a lot of medical research, said it was an “old wives tale” to stop exercise esp in the first 3 months. And I was told to go right ahead as long as I feel good – so I did π And I never felt better, honestly!!
i wish i could exercise! but i have a problem with low placenta, hence exercising is not allowed π I feel like such a blob!!! π
Ohhh does the placenta, erm, move back upwards or is it there to stay? I think it doesn’t affect a healthy pregnancy though as far as I know.. but regardless, stay safe! You can always exercise afterwards π
hopefully it moves up, else natural birth would be impossible. then it’ll be cesarean…
I snuck a look at your LJ and you have plenty of time for the placenta to move. It often does. (Don’t forget to call your doctor if there is any bleeding.)
Love, you don’t look like a blimp at all, you’re looking fantastic… and even better that you’ve had no symptoms due to the exercise, that is just wonderful!!!
I DEF feel like one tho.. it’s so weird having 10 extra KG and and a big belly! don’t think i’d ever get used to that π
That’s amazing you’ve lost pretty much all of it… good on ya! I have all my hopes on breastfeeding now hehe.. hope I’m as lucky as you
With #1, I put on 18kg and haven’t lost all the weight yet before I was hit with #2, hence why 1. my body doesn’t need the extra fat 2. I need to control my food intake 3. Cos I don’t get to exercise as much as I used to.
But yes, I do believe that if you exercise it cuts all these things down, I had no MS for #1 and had it once only with #2.
Strong Healthy Mamas Rule ahahaha!
I think I’ll be at least on the 18kg mark too.. but as long as I can lost almost all of it afterwards, I’m telling myself not to fret too much over it. And yes, I’ll balloon back up anyway once we have #2, haha!
Dude. Okay. I gained 10kg in like half a year and I’m not even pregnant. It might be because I was recovering from an eating disorder, but I still DON’T like it. You look amazing, and kudos to you for going to the gym! You’re too skinny most of the time dear π Eat more! (hahahha do I need to tell you?!)
Well yours is legit and GOOD weight gain! Well, mine is good too, but just a bit frightening to see that dot so high up instead of in the middle, heh. But I’m going to the gym and staying active so I know that’s as good as it gets!
hey your still looking good Bev!! π hang in there!
great that your keeping active!!
Aww thank you! I’m hoping to keep it up until the week I’m due.. fingers crossed…
total agree that exercise makes you feel so much better! have you tried aqua aerobics? totally makes you feel WEIGHTLESS π
Oh nooo not yet! It’s not walkable from my place (i’m v lazy, heh) so haven’t ventured into aqua aerobics or prenatal yoga territory yet. Also, I prefer hard core cardio and weights so those 2 activities aren’t intense enough for me and don’t make me feel ‘worked out’ enough!
I’m so proud of you hun! And I’m totally agreeing with you on the Chinese mentality that women shouldn’t excercise whilst being pregnant. It’s the reverse actually unless the doctor specifically tells you not to do so if you are having a difficult pregnancy. So heheh, it sounds like you are physically more active now π
Looking really svelte and good :)Definitely going to be a hawty mama!
I’m glad I’m not the only one.. cos I’m (obviously) the minority here and my local colleagues/friends freak out a bit with me!
Hoping to keep it up…. I guess we’ll see π
babe, 10kg is not alot.. ;ppp
I ballooned like mad last year too and i was so so so upset. The weight kept going up tho i ate super healthily and exercised lots too (was swimming nearly everyday!)
Well, don’t let it get you down..
If I didn’t balloon so much, i wouldn’t have the determination to make breastfeeding work. On the hindsight, it wasn’t so bad (tho i was bawling my heart out back then!). Plus, when u see your lil bud smiling back at ya healthy n happy, u will forget all these excess gain.
It’s on the high end according to that chart! And I’m only start of 3rd trimester.. oops π
YOu are amazing to have exercised almost every day, kudos to you!
if it helps, i think i put on 15kg or smth lidat at 28wks.
just before i delivered, my excess weight was 25.7kg (eye popping figure literally!)
Right after delivery, my excess weight was like 21kg??? π
but now, i am down with abt 4++kg to clear and the only exercise i do now is breastfeeding.. i dun even hit the running tracks anymore.
i can’t see where the 10kg went!! hottie mommy! π
Allll on the bump… and hips/thighs (sadly), haha!
I’ve kinda gotta laugh at what you call “huge” – you still look tiny to me – but I know such things are subjective.
To make you feel better, my mother when pregnant with my sister, was advised by her doctor to practically diet (?) and stay as thin as possible – what happened was that my sister was kinda undersized and the birth was difficult and she had terrible colic for three months.
When I came around four years later, my mom got another doctor who told her to eat, eat and eat and my mom did – she especially pigged out on ice cream. I was born with zero complications, a 8lb shiny, happy baby with no colic.
While it’s important not to let one’s weight get out of control, I believe it’s better to err on the side of a bit too much than a bit too little – for the baby’s sake.
Well, definitely huge compared to pre-pregnancy.. cos my clothes dont fit me, doh!
I think it’s unsafe to diet for sure, but I guess it makes sense not to go bonkers and eat all sorts of fatty food too… oops…..
Oh one more thing, swimming really helps too (I sat in the heated pool at the aquatic centre, that counts as swimming to me, hahaha!) Great for your back, especially in the final few weeks.
I subscribed to the Chinese methodology when I was pregnant – I did nada! π Felt a bit blah towards the end, but I enjoyed being a blob for 9 months. Evening walks were as strenuous as I got. All I can say is breastfeeding does wonders to your figure post pregnancy π
Gorgeous bump! You don’t even look preggers in the frontal shot.
Heh most women here do that.. I thought I would too considering how much I disliked regular exercise before, so am rather surprised i like it so much now! I agree, breastfeeding is really good from what I hear π
I heard swimming was good too! But so far I’m enjoying more hard cardio at the gym π
What kind of workouts do you do while pregnant?
When I was pregnant I tried yoga but I wasn’t very flexible so that was hard. Then anything else I did irritated my back. In the end, I wound up doing physical therapy – using an underwater treadmill which was a great help. I gained a lot of weight while pregnant – 40 lbs!
I’m going to be gaining the same amount as you too, if not more!
I do treadmill, elliptical/cross trainer, cycling and weights machine. Basically everything, heh… I love it!
Hi Bev…
I am really interested to know if you stop exercising during the first 3 months stabilizing period when you discovered you were pregnant?
Thanks for the above tips cos I am so looking forward to getting pregnant (and also less fearful) after reading your posts. π
Nooo def not, in fact, it was when I was exercising the ‘hardest’/most, as I was doing full-on runs on the treadmill!
Our doc, and also a lot of medical research, said it was an “old wives tale” to stop exercise esp in the first 3 months. And I was told to go right ahead as long as I feel good – so I did π And I never felt better, honestly!!
i wish i could exercise! but i have a problem with low placenta, hence exercising is not allowed π I feel like such a blob!!! π
Ohhh does the placenta, erm, move back upwards or is it there to stay? I think it doesn’t affect a healthy pregnancy though as far as I know.. but regardless, stay safe! You can always exercise afterwards π
hopefully it moves up, else natural birth would be impossible. then it’ll be cesarean…
I snuck a look at your LJ and you have plenty of time for the placenta to move. It often does. (Don’t forget to call your doctor if there is any bleeding.)
Love, you don’t look like a blimp at all, you’re looking fantastic… and even better that you’ve had no symptoms due to the exercise, that is just wonderful!!!
I DEF feel like one tho.. it’s so weird having 10 extra KG and and a big belly! don’t think i’d ever get used to that π
That’s amazing you’ve lost pretty much all of it… good on ya! I have all my hopes on breastfeeding now hehe.. hope I’m as lucky as you
With #1, I put on 18kg and haven’t lost all the weight yet before I was hit with #2, hence why 1. my body doesn’t need the extra fat 2. I need to control my food intake 3. Cos I don’t get to exercise as much as I used to.
But yes, I do believe that if you exercise it cuts all these things down, I had no MS for #1 and had it once only with #2.
Strong Healthy Mamas Rule ahahaha!
I think I’ll be at least on the 18kg mark too.. but as long as I can lost almost all of it afterwards, I’m telling myself not to fret too much over it. And yes, I’ll balloon back up anyway once we have #2, haha!
Dude. Okay. I gained 10kg in like half a year and I’m not even pregnant. It might be because I was recovering from an eating disorder, but I still DON’T like it. You look amazing, and kudos to you for going to the gym! You’re too skinny most of the time dear π Eat more! (hahahha do I need to tell you?!)
Well yours is legit and GOOD weight gain! Well, mine is good too, but just a bit frightening to see that dot so high up instead of in the middle, heh. But I’m going to the gym and staying active so I know that’s as good as it gets!
hey your still looking good Bev!! π hang in there!
great that your keeping active!!
Aww thank you! I’m hoping to keep it up until the week I’m due.. fingers crossed…
babe, 10kg is not alot.. ;ppp
I ballooned like mad last year too and i was so so so upset. The weight kept going up tho i ate super healthily and exercised lots too (was swimming nearly everyday!)
Well, don’t let it get you down..
If I didn’t balloon so much, i wouldn’t have the determination to make breastfeeding work. On the hindsight, it wasn’t so bad (tho i was bawling my heart out back then!). Plus, when u see your lil bud smiling back at ya healthy n happy, u will forget all these excess gain.
It’s on the high end according to that chart! And I’m only start of 3rd trimester.. oops π
YOu are amazing to have exercised almost every day, kudos to you!
if it helps, i think i put on 15kg or smth lidat at 28wks.
just before i delivered, my excess weight was 25.7kg (eye popping figure literally!)
Right after delivery, my excess weight was like 21kg??? π
but now, i am down with abt 4++kg to clear and the only exercise i do now is breastfeeding.. i dun even hit the running tracks anymore.
i can’t see where the 10kg went!! hottie mommy! π
Allll on the bump… and hips/thighs (sadly), haha!
Oh one more thing, swimming really helps too (I sat in the heated pool at the aquatic centre, that counts as swimming to me, hahaha!) Great for your back, especially in the final few weeks.
I subscribed to the Chinese methodology when I was pregnant – I did nada! π Felt a bit blah towards the end, but I enjoyed being a blob for 9 months. Evening walks were as strenuous as I got. All I can say is breastfeeding does wonders to your figure post pregnancy π
Gorgeous bump! You don’t even look preggers in the frontal shot.
Heh most women here do that.. I thought I would too considering how much I disliked regular exercise before, so am rather surprised i like it so much now! I agree, breastfeeding is really good from what I hear π
I heard swimming was good too! But so far I’m enjoying more hard cardio at the gym π
What kind of workouts do you do while pregnant?
When I was pregnant I tried yoga but I wasn’t very flexible so that was hard. Then anything else I did irritated my back. In the end, I wound up doing physical therapy – using an underwater treadmill which was a great help. I gained a lot of weight while pregnant – 40 lbs!
I’m going to be gaining the same amount as you too, if not more!
I do treadmill, elliptical/cross trainer, cycling and weights machine. Basically everything, heh… I love it!