Friends, Parties, Uncategorized HOUSEWARMING PARTY 19 April 2010

A friend and her boyfriend threw a housewarming party on the weekend. It was a particularly freezing night (seriously, what is wrong with Shanghai’s super-cold/raining weather this entire month and counting? It’s meant to be Spring!), so we welcomed the opportunity to hide indoors whilst the temperatures steadily dropped outside.

I particularly liked it because some of my good friends were at the party, so I could just talk with them and no one else. So I was particularly anti-social for the night and didn’t meet/talk to new people and make friends. Felt guilty afterwards because it’s not like me to ignore people I don’t know, but it was good catching up with my friends, so it was worth it πŸ™‚

Just a few pics, not many ‘cos too busy eating/drinking/talking!

Girls galore πŸ˜›

Looking incredibly happy, LOL

The boys fascinate each other

With a Singaporean and a Ukranian friend!

LOL @ the photo bomber

We (or is it just me?) ate a lot before and during. Here I am looking 4 months pregnant.

Chilling out, and being antisocial and not ‘working the room’ making new friends. Oh well!

Eating… something. Pretzels?

Me and the husband! Who appears to be checking out a giant zit on my face or something..

Let’s Chat!

Let's Chat!

Heh he’s going to be v pleased with your comment. Dont’ think he has though, as least the scales haven’t changed!

Heh he’s going to be v pleased with your comment. Dont’ think he has though, as least the scales haven’t changed!