Me, Uncategorized, Videos VIDEO OF ME ON ‘CULTURE MATTERS’ TALK SHOW 14 May 2009

(Link to video here)
(Alternative link on Facebook, might be faster)


Yeah… so this is me on the Culture Matters talk show, on Channel ICS. Whilst I know I made some valid comments, I know I also said a lot of weird crap. My excuse is that I was only advised of the topic once I arrived, and wasn’t given any preparation or briefing prior. It is DAMN hard to think on-the-fly and try and sound coherent whilst speaking off-the-cuff, when the camera is pointed STRAIGHT at you!

I think I look really skittish and awkward, because I’m not exactly used to being filmed, not to mention I dislike the way I act/look/sound on video as it is. I also wasn’t very friendly-looking the whole time ‘cos I was so busy thinking of something normal to say to remember to smile πŸ˜› Hee! I think I am my own worst enemy though – aren’t we all?? Overall it was fine. I enjoyed my time there, and I really loved chatting. I’d do it all over again πŸ™‚

Let’s Chat!

Let's Chat!

Aw hehe thanks. Ya I’m less chunky on the video.. it’s on my widescreen tv where I look pretty terrible, doh!

Aw hehe thanks. Ya I’m less chunky on the video.. it’s on my widescreen tv where I look pretty terrible, doh!

It did feel damn awkward having to come up with normal-sounding answers on-the-fly like that! I chalk it up to being a first timer πŸ˜›

Hey babe,

Been awhile since i last commented. Just wanna pop by and say HI!

You look and sound great in the show! I love how naturally wavy and sexy your hairs looks!


It did feel damn awkward having to come up with normal-sounding answers on-the-fly like that! I chalk it up to being a first timer πŸ˜›

Hey babe,

Been awhile since i last commented. Just wanna pop by and say HI!

You look and sound great in the show! I love how naturally wavy and sexy your hairs looks!
