FASHION, Lesportsac, Uncategorized Protected: LESPORSTAC ‘CHARMS’ BACKPACK 14 September 2008

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I love it πŸ™‚

hehe Rish bought me a knockoff le sportsac for the gym not realising that it was an actual brand. He just saw it at the markets.. then a month later he saw the real thing and went ohhhhh that’s why it’s so funky. πŸ™‚

I love it πŸ™‚

hehe Rish bought me a knockoff le sportsac for the gym not realising that it was an actual brand. He just saw it at the markets.. then a month later he saw the real thing and went ohhhhh that’s why it’s so funky. πŸ™‚

I love it πŸ™‚

hehe Rish bought me a knockoff le sportsac for the gym not realising that it was an actual brand. He just saw it at the markets.. then a month later he saw the real thing and went ohhhhh that’s why it’s so funky. πŸ™‚