THE VINEYARD 25 November 2006 in FOOD, Food reviews, Uncategorized

Vineyard Bar Cafe 104 Willoughby Rd Crows Nest, NSW 2065 $$$$- I’m so so so pleased to have discovered a fantastic restaurant right near where I live! Located in the foodaholic delight’s area of Crows Nest, The Vineyard has a small glass-door entrance that...

JIMMY CHOO CRYSTAL FLATS, OVER-EATING 24 November 2006 in FOOD, Shopping, Uncategorized

Colleague brought back Reeses from the USA – yummmm!!! Singaporeans will appreciate this cartoon 😉 so cool, you write a note online, and they’ll handwrite it on paper and send it to you. This note was a test written by me 😛 Divine...

EBAY AUSTRALIA ON TV in eBay, Uncategorized

From eBay Australia, our 1st ever TV commercial(s):D 😀 😀 Enjoy!

REAL-LIFE CSI in Uncategorized

A middle-aged guy lives a few doors down on my floor. Came back from work yesterday and there were police around. Turns out he died (!) a few days ago and they just found him. I was given a card and had to call...

Protected: YAHOO! CHRISTMAS LUNCH @ KOBE JONES 2006... in FOOD, Food reviews, Uncategorized

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