FOOD, Meme quizzes, Uncategorized JUST STUFF 30 November 2006


Check out this adorable Sephora monopoly game
(the only way you’ll be able to convince me to play!)

Another version of my salad, this time with lamb/mint meatballs!
(mixture was kept in the freezer from 2-3 weeks ago when I made rissoles or something)

Let’s Chat!

Let's Chat!

What will think of next when it comes to games but it looks like a lot of fun! and the food looks great as always! And yes my lj is updated so drop me a line when you get a chance take care!

What will think of next when it comes to games but it looks like a lot of fun! and the food looks great as always! And yes my lj is updated so drop me a line when you get a chance take care!

Hmmm, you know, I realise that you are lucky to be living in Australia because “healthy” food is more easily available and cheaper there! I was looking for rocket leaves the other day… obviously not available at your std NTUCs, and only SOME of the bigger Cold Storages have them and they were ex! And good parmesan/ parmegiano? Worse… and I can’t be buying my groceries from CS all the time! Ha… the husband will kill me! πŸ˜›

I never knew the standard stuff we get here was hard to find! But then again in SG i’d just eat at hawker centres every day… the food is too good to resist, hehe!

Hmmm, you know, I realise that you are lucky to be living in Australia because “healthy” food is more easily available and cheaper there! I was looking for rocket leaves the other day… obviously not available at your std NTUCs, and only SOME of the bigger Cold Storages have them and they were ex! And good parmesan/ parmegiano? Worse… and I can’t be buying my groceries from CS all the time! Ha… the husband will kill me! πŸ˜›

I never knew the standard stuff we get here was hard to find! But then again in SG i’d just eat at hawker centres every day… the food is too good to resist, hehe!