Uncategorized Protected: DODGY DOMAIN NAMES 8 November 2005

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Hahaha.. I read the therapist and mole station one correctly, but all the other ones wrongly. I think ‘penisland’ is the funniest! 😀

Hahaha.. I read the therapist and mole station one correctly, but all the other ones wrongly. I think ‘penisland’ is the funniest! 😀

Hahaha.. I read the therapist and mole station one correctly, but all the other ones wrongly. I think ‘penisland’ is the funniest! 😀

Hahaha.. I read the therapist and mole station one correctly, but all the other ones wrongly. I think ‘penisland’ is the funniest! 😀

Haha, those are great! Although that Experts Exchange site pulls up what looks like a dead domain to me… just sponsored search results.

Haha, those are great! Although that Experts Exchange site pulls up what looks like a dead domain to me… just sponsored search results.

Maybe my mind’s in the gutter but I read the OTHER interpretation the first time for all all of them. LOL!!
Thanks for sharing this; it was a great laugh!!

Maybe my mind’s in the gutter but I read the OTHER interpretation the first time for all all of them. LOL!!
Thanks for sharing this; it was a great laugh!!


On a different note, while I was doing my empirical analysis, I was desperately trying to prevent myself naming my US exports variable ‘USEXP’ ‘cos it just doesn’t seem right.


On a different note, while I was doing my empirical analysis, I was desperately trying to prevent myself naming my US exports variable ‘USEXP’ ‘cos it just doesn’t seem right.

Haha, those are great! Although that Experts Exchange site pulls up what looks like a dead domain to me… just sponsored search results.

Haha, those are great! Although that Experts Exchange site pulls up what looks like a dead domain to me… just sponsored search results.

Maybe my mind’s in the gutter but I read the OTHER interpretation the first time for all all of them. LOL!!
Thanks for sharing this; it was a great laugh!!

Maybe my mind’s in the gutter but I read the OTHER interpretation the first time for all all of them. LOL!!
Thanks for sharing this; it was a great laugh!!


On a different note, while I was doing my empirical analysis, I was desperately trying to prevent myself naming my US exports variable ‘USEXP’ ‘cos it just doesn’t seem right.


On a different note, while I was doing my empirical analysis, I was desperately trying to prevent myself naming my US exports variable ‘USEXP’ ‘cos it just doesn’t seem right.