Chris and I had Part
The Observatory Hotel
89-113 Kent Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
Went to The Observatory Hotel for high tea, which I found at WISHLIST. They’re constantly booked out so we were really fortunate to get a seat at such short notice! The hotel is beautiful, just pure luxury and all the staff are friendly yet discreet. We were served chilled glasses of Moet & Chandon, which just went down like a dream. I loved the atmosphere.. really cosy and English and the armchairs we sat on were so plush! The silver-tiered stand appeared magically and oh the SMELL!!! That freshly-baked smell was totally make me salivate :)~ It was very very very very hard for us to be posh and eat slowly and delicately when the food was so good and we wanted to scoff it all π
The beautiful room

Camera shy!
Cheers to our 5th Anniversary
The tiered platter
Smoked salmon, cream cheese & chives, egg & mayonnaise, ham & cheese
Walnut/almond/pistachio cupcake – not too fussed about this, as I don’t like nuts
Peach tart – amazing!! The tart base was soo buttery and divine
Hazelnut and chocolate tart – scrumptious
Freshly baked scones – the strawberry jam was UNBELIEVABLY good,
easily the best I’ve ever had. And wonderfully rich gorgeous cream
English Breakfast tea with honey.. mmmmm…
I also liked their bathroom so I took a pic, how classy am I π
Pretty room
We ate for about 2 hours.. then went to watch The Island afterwards. I really enjoyed it!! I love sci-fi new aged fandangled kinda stuff, so this was right up my alley. After that, decided we weren’t that hungry, so we didn’t get anything to eat before leaving the City. Big mistake!! We promptly got hungry half hour later and nothing around was open :X So ended up with Lean Cuisine for dinner, haha. Weird celebration π At least it was pretty good, I got the healthiest one I could find and it actually was quite tasty.

My favourite part of the day wasn’t actually sitting down and having lovely high tea (though that was pretty amazing).. it was actually when we were standing outside. He had his arm wrapped around me, totally enveloping me.. and I had my head rested against his shoulder, nuzzled up to his neck. And I love it when he does that.. it’s like my head totally clears out and it honestly feels like absolutely nothing is wrong in the world and everything is absolutely perfect and nothing can ever go wrong. It’s hard to describe.. just that kind of feeling that makes you wish it could go on forever.. it’s just nice π
The first time I experienced high tea was when I was in Malaysia. It doesn’t seem to be popular in Canada. I could only find one hotel in Edmonton that serves afternoon tea and they only do it during the summer months. Their last day this year is September 4. We move there on the first – I should make a reservation!
High tea isn’t too popular here either.. not like it is in London anyway. I love it though, what better way to spend your afternoon than eating and drinking? π
The first time I experienced high tea was when I was in Malaysia. It doesn’t seem to be popular in Canada. I could only find one hotel in Edmonton that serves afternoon tea and they only do it during the summer months. Their last day this year is September 4. We move there on the first – I should make a reservation!
High tea isn’t too popular here either.. not like it is in London anyway. I love it though, what better way to spend your afternoon than eating and drinking? π
that was so sweet…you and chris seem like a great couple. =)
Re: =)
Aww thanks! 5 years is a long time for us.. amazing how time flies
that was so sweet…you and chris seem like a great couple. =)
Re: =)
Aww thanks! 5 years is a long time for us.. amazing how time flies
The hotel looks really beautiful. Happy anniversary babe π
Glad you had such a great time.
Thank ya π It was a really nice day.. now I can’t wait for Thurs!
The hotel looks really beautiful. Happy anniversary babe π
Glad you had such a great time.
Thank ya π It was a really nice day.. now I can’t wait for Thurs!
Love the hotel. Very posh. Love the last paragraph, poetic.
The hotel was just so pretty.. really want to try out their spa next time, we had a peek in there and it looked divine π
Happy Anniversary!!!
We have Lean Cuisine in the US, but not that one! I bet it would rock to visit one of Australia’s supermarkets. π
The scones and desserts look yummy. But, I agree, the hug is always best. And the least calories. π
Congrats again!
Hehe nooo US supermarkets are so much fun! Japanese ones are the best though, I could stay there for hours :)~
Love the hotel. Very posh. Love the last paragraph, poetic.
The hotel was just so pretty.. really want to try out their spa next time, we had a peek in there and it looked divine π
*aww! for the last paragraph!
π after 5 years.. it does matter a lot!
Happy Anniversary!!!
We have Lean Cuisine in the US, but not that one! I bet it would rock to visit one of Australia’s supermarkets. π
The scones and desserts look yummy. But, I agree, the hug is always best. And the least calories. π
Congrats again!
Hehe nooo US supermarkets are so much fun! Japanese ones are the best though, I could stay there for hours :)~
*aww! for the last paragraph!
π after 5 years.. it does matter a lot!