Uncategorized Protected: They cost HOW much?!?! 8 May 2003

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Let's Chat!


kinda felt weirded out to kindof spot you. feeling like .. somewhat stalker ish. even though that was not intentional. was with my friends and we were mother’s day shopping after going to a 20th so.. can’t really imagine walking up and saying hi.. cos you were with a friend, and i was with some as well…… and that would be embaressing and awkward introduction i imagine.

Re: nahh

Heh noo I wouldn’t think it was weird. I’ve had people do that to me before and it’s cool to meet people so I don’t mind. I’ll be there on Thurs again for the Stila event *jumps up and down*

Re: saw someone today..

Hee!! Was out with a friend shopping – I bought the Napoleon 8-pan palette (to put my own Chantecaille eyeshadows/blushes into) and their new face cleanser, it’s super duper good. WHY didn’t you say hi??!


kinda felt weirded out to kindof spot you. feeling like .. somewhat stalker ish. even though that was not intentional. was with my friends and we were mother’s day shopping after going to a 20th so.. can’t really imagine walking up and saying hi.. cos you were with a friend, and i was with some as well…… and that would be embaressing and awkward introduction i imagine.

Re: nahh

Heh noo I wouldn’t think it was weird. I’ve had people do that to me before and it’s cool to meet people so I don’t mind. I’ll be there on Thurs again for the Stila event *jumps up and down*

Re: saw someone today..

Hee!! Was out with a friend shopping – I bought the Napoleon 8-pan palette (to put my own Chantecaille eyeshadows/blushes into) and their new face cleanser, it’s super duper good. WHY didn’t you say hi??!

Hubba ubba Bev!!!! Thats not dalight robbery, thats straight out murder!!!!!…LOL.So much for being a loyal fan!!!.
Really sorry abt your exam:( In my experience the marking should give you a 0 on the first answer but the subsequent ones should at least be given 1/2 of the marks coz your working method was correct. All the best.

Heheh no kidding! I’m scared they’d be *beautiful* and I’ll want to get them.. but I don’t THINK they will be. Err.. at least I hope not.

Hubba ubba Bev!!!! Thats not dalight robbery, thats straight out murder!!!!!…LOL.So much for being a loyal fan!!!.
Really sorry abt your exam:( In my experience the marking should give you a 0 on the first answer but the subsequent ones should at least be given 1/2 of the marks coz your working method was correct. All the best.

Heheh no kidding! I’m scared they’d be *beautiful* and I’ll want to get them.. but I don’t THINK they will be. Err.. at least I hope not.

Hi Bev,
Your new outfit sounds georgeous!!
Now that you mentioned stockings, has anyone ever tried stay up/thigh high stockings before?

Aww thanks! I gotta take a pic of it, the skirt is so cute 😛
Do those stockings actually stay up? Or do they slip down when you walk? I think I want red stockings since the skirt’s black with red peep-through stars in the pleats.. but I’m not sure if red stockings will be too OTT :T Maybe I’ll just get skin colored ones

I wanna get a page just like this!!!!

HI there Bev & Bevs online journal frequent-ers!!!
This is by far one of the most informative & fun pages on the net!
I really want to get my own live journal – however, after trying for HOURS setting one up seems like an impossible task. Boo hoo! I really want one SO bad. Bev, just as much as you want those limited edition stila palletes, lol…..
So here’s my request: If any of you would be SO KIND, could I have a code to kick off a page of my own? I just thought maybe someone would have an extra they wouldn’t mind sharing with me. Let me know – I can be reached at [email protected]

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: I wanna get a page just like this!!!!

*lol* this is not an advertising board, y’hear? 😉
I would help you out if I could.. but I don’t have a code, sorry.. LJ is really addictive though, so think about it caaarefully before you join – you could get addicted like the rest of us!

Hi Bev,
Your new outfit sounds georgeous!!
Now that you mentioned stockings, has anyone ever tried stay up/thigh high stockings before?

Aww thanks! I gotta take a pic of it, the skirt is so cute 😛
Do those stockings actually stay up? Or do they slip down when you walk? I think I want red stockings since the skirt’s black with red peep-through stars in the pleats.. but I’m not sure if red stockings will be too OTT :T Maybe I’ll just get skin colored ones

I wanna get a page just like this!!!!

HI there Bev & Bevs online journal frequent-ers!!!
This is by far one of the most informative & fun pages on the net!
I really want to get my own live journal – however, after trying for HOURS setting one up seems like an impossible task. Boo hoo! I really want one SO bad. Bev, just as much as you want those limited edition stila palletes, lol…..
So here’s my request: If any of you would be SO KIND, could I have a code to kick off a page of my own? I just thought maybe someone would have an extra they wouldn’t mind sharing with me. Let me know – I can be reached at [email protected]

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: I wanna get a page just like this!!!!

*lol* this is not an advertising board, y’hear? 😉
I would help you out if I could.. but I don’t have a code, sorry.. LJ is really addictive though, so think about it caaarefully before you join – you could get addicted like the rest of us!