Uncategorized Protected: Family Guy 24 December 2002

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Family guy is only second to the critic and simpsons in my eyes!! We where so sad the 3 times they cancelled the show =( But now its been permanently cancelled. Tony downloaded all the eps. off of Kazaa.

What’s the Critic? I don’t think it’s here in Australia 🙁 It’s so dumb how they cancelled Futurama and the Family Guy, both are my fave cartoons! I finally got Kazaa to work and I’m downloading them now, hehehe..

The critic is an old cartoon maybe a few years after the simpsons debuted, its pretty much where they got a lot of the gags for family guy, well gag styles. I think it didn’t go over well because a lot of the humor took a little bit of intelligence/ it was funnier if you got the jokes. Once the critic “Jay Sherman” guest starred on the Simpsons. =) It was only on 2-3 seasons though. Its really funny though. 🙂

Family guy is only second to the critic and simpsons in my eyes!! We where so sad the 3 times they cancelled the show =( But now its been permanently cancelled. Tony downloaded all the eps. off of Kazaa.

What’s the Critic? I don’t think it’s here in Australia 🙁 It’s so dumb how they cancelled Futurama and the Family Guy, both are my fave cartoons! I finally got Kazaa to work and I’m downloading them now, hehehe..

The critic is an old cartoon maybe a few years after the simpsons debuted, its pretty much where they got a lot of the gags for family guy, well gag styles. I think it didn’t go over well because a lot of the humor took a little bit of intelligence/ it was funnier if you got the jokes. Once the critic “Jay Sherman” guest starred on the Simpsons. =) It was only on 2-3 seasons though. Its really funny though. 🙂