Uncategorized Protected: Becca Cosmetics event 20 June 2002

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am officially jealous. wana fly back to aussieland just to buy makeup!!!!

so what’s so good about Becca? i.e. the “must haves” for this brand

I dunno where you are.. but it’s also in the US (New York), if you live anywhere near there! Becca is basically looking like you have luminous flawless skin naturally – it doesn’t look like you have makeup on, just really clear glowing skin 🙂

The Luminous Skin Foundation (LSC) and Loose Powder are the most popular – they basically give that glowy look.
I honestly think that pretty much ALL the products are awesome though! used together, they really give a great no-makeup look 🙂 Check out http//www.beccacosmetics.com they have lots of info there!

hey 🙂

Just got back to Singapore. Where in Sydney can you buy Becca? Is it at Mecca?


I’ll be there next week.. CAN’T WAIT! I miss SG so much :T

Oh, and yeah, Becca’s at Mecca Cosmetica.. I go to the one in the City, on Elizabeth Streeth!

i can’t wait to check out BECCA when i fly to perth this july. what’s that glow-making thingy called again?

Becca first opened in Perth, so you’ll be in the first store ever opened, hehe. The glow is the Luminous Skin Foundation, otherwise known as the LSC. It’s a sheer coverage moisturizer, basically.. hydrates the skin and gives a luminous glow to the skin. It looks best when set with the loose powder ‘cos it makes water and fade resistent!

Wow Bev, you look glowy after the Becca makeover 🙂 The makeup looks totally natural. I’ll definitely check out Becca if it comes to Singapore. I wonder if the website ships internationally?

Yeah, I love the dewy glowy look it gives, and it doesn’t feel like I have makeup on too 😀 I don’t know if they ship intl, but if you want I can just custom buy for you and then ship it over with your UD blush 🙂

Thanks for the offer 🙂 I’ll let you know once I decide which products I want to get. I’m so greedy…I wanna try it all!

No prob 🙂 Check out Productville on MUA too, it’ll give you an idea of what’s good. I’ll send off your blush tomorrow, or would you rather wait for me to send it off with the Becca? That way you save on shipping, cos I can send it all in 1 package registered mail instead of paying for it twice.. but I won’t go to Becca ’till Mon so you’ll have to wait a few more days before I send out the package.. Let me know 🙂

I’d would have them in two different packages if that’s not too much trouble for you ‘cos I haven’t quite decided what to get. I’d check out Productville on MUA right away. Will let you know once I’ve decided. Are you going to Becca on monday to get new Becca stuff for yourself? Remember to post your raves/rants 🙂 That will help me decide what to get.

Nah it’s not a prob. I can send the blush tomorrow, and then the Becca stuff whenever you decide what you want and I buy it. I’ll be at Becca on Mon probably, but don’t think I’ll get anything unless something catches my eye! I made a few reviews on Productville though, so check it out if you’re interested 🙂 Try and get back to me by mon morning what you want, ‘cos I have exams after that and most likely won’t be going out that often..

I’ll probably place an order soon, umm… maybe after your exams. Wouldn’t want you to run errands for me and neglect your studies 🙂 It will also give me a considerable amount of time to decide what i REALLY want, as oppose to what I want…lol. When does your exams end? By the way, best of luck for your exams! 😉

Wow beverly, I like yr skin! Always so glowy and radiant *drools*…

So is the Becca really good? is it only avail. in Sydney or in other states too? I can;t get into the Becca official website although I’ve updated my flash player… dang..

*lol* that’s the BECCA!! They used the Luminous Skin Color on me, as well as the shimmer to highlight – that’s why I look all glowy 😛

I loooove Becca, the stuff really is awesome and totally worth it. It makes you look like you have good skin, and not like you’re faking it with makeup. not sure why the Becca site doesn’t work for you though, that sucks 🙁 Oh, it’s in Sydney and Perth and Melbourne, but I think that’s about it.. I spoke to Rebecca, the owner, though.. and I said that Singaporeans would be really interested in her line and she said she was planning on opening there too!

woo hoo, if Rebecca really open her counters in SG, I’ll make sure Im the first one! =)

Thanks for the info! My friend’s in Brisbane.. so she can’t get Becca for me. =(

If you want me to custom purchase anything for you, feel free to ask 🙂 It’s cheaper here in Australia and shipping to SG will be way less than from the States. I’m also going to SG early July for 2 weeks so I can buy you the stuff then meet up with you then or something.. Alternatively you can just order straight from the Becca site! Totally recommend the stuff 🙂

Wow Beverly, is it true? Im real keen to try out but has no idea.. any recommendations here? heard that Becca has lotsa colors for their foundations and concealers.. I heard that the LSC and the concealer are real good… if u can get me these 2, I’ll be eternally grateful! =)

Becca recs? The LSC, it’s super glowy and pretty! But since you’re in SG with humid weather, I’d definitely use their loose powder to set it – it makes it waterproof and fade resistent for up to 8 hours. The 2 combined gives really gorgeous skin. I also use the concealer, which is great for eye circles and blemishes – it goes on thick, yet dries to a smooth even finish.

I also love the Princess loose shimmer powder as a highlighter. And the Pink Gold lipgloss is *amazing*! It’s not tacky and doesn’t dry out lips, and it doesn’t have a gross strong scent. It’s a lovely color too – sheer pink that flashes gold.

If you want me to custom buy any of it, email me and let me know the colors you want, etc. Shipping to SG is pretty cheap from AU too 🙂

I’ll be there 12 July, so if you can wait ’till then.. I can meet up with you and give you the Becca stuff and you save on shipping. But if you can’t wait, then I can buy it on Mon and ship it to you straightaway 😀

Sure no problem! I think I prefer shipping.. but how do I pay you? I’ve got no Paypal.. or maybe we shd wait till u come over. keke.. =P

then I can see you in real person, u are so pretty! Always loved yr skin.. *hangs my head down in shame*!

If you don’t have Paypal, you can either give the cash to someone in SG (Delia, Farah, Stella, etc?) and have them Paypal it to me (preferred, cos this is lots safer!) or you can send AU cash via registered mail to me.. And then once I get it, I’ll go buy your stuff then send it to you 🙂 Shipping should be from AU$5-$15, depending on what you get.

But yeah, alternatively, if you want to wait I can just bring the Becca stuff with me to SG so you save on shipping. We should meet up anyway, get a couple of us SG MUAers and have a meet somewhere – I’ve only met a handful of people, so would love to meet you and others!

And to answer your question about costs:
loose powder AU$58
concealer AU$45
pink gold lipgloss AU$37 – if you think this will wash you out, try “pink”. it gives a beestung look, and is a sheer rosey red/pink.

(Conversions at http://www.xe.net/ucc)

thanks bev! U are super sweet! *licks yr face* LOL

I wanna get the LSC and the concealer… but read that the LSC is supersheer… I wonder whether this is good enough for coverage? or maybe I could use some concealer to go over my pores and eye rings… =P

Hey bev, sorry again. =P

How much is the Becca LSC, loose powder, concealer and the pink gold lipgloss (actually, i think it might look washed out on my since I’ve got quite pinky lips) costs? gotta have an idea first before I declare myself bankrupt! =P

hey Bev, btw, can I know yr coloring? we seem similiar.. are u pink-toned? Im yellow-toned and is bet. MAC NC20 and NC25… is the online swatches at the website accurate? Sorry to ask so many questions! =P

Have you seen the Becca foundation chart? If you search on MUA, someone did it 🙂 But I use LSC in Olive, and I’m a MAC concealer NW20, a Chantecaille Shea, a VLWC Cream Beige. HTH!

Hmm.. I didn’t see any Becca foundation chart.. mind pointing out the URL for me? =)

NW20.. is it diff. from NC25? I checked out a foundation chart (http://www.geocities.com/chiaxx/foundation.html) and the LSC suitable for me seems to be cashmere or camel.. but I’ve got no idea whether this suits me or not! And I definitely want to get the concealer… =)

The link you just gave me is the chart I was referring to, hehe! The NW range is for warm skins, NC for cool. I’m surprisd you’re an NC, ‘cos most asians are warm-based! But I use NW20 concealer, and the Becca Macadamia concealer.

As for the LSC, to be honest, don’t stress out too much about the right color. It’s sheer and the color is *very* forgiving – I find that 2-3 different colors look great on me, and if you ask on MUA, most ladies will say the thing. Best to post on MUA and ask if anyone’s the same skin color as you and see if anyone can help with an LSC color 🙂

Oooh ok… yah I think Im funny too.. I shd be warm-skinned.. me going down to MAC with some LJ’ers later… gonna check out my shades again and contact you back again can? =)

I’ll ask them what’s the select cover-up concealer for me and you can help me with it! Btw, do you personally prefer the MAC or the becca concealer??? =) Sorry to ask so many questions! =P

Yeah.. definitely check out what MAC foundation and concealer shade you are. But best to ask on MUA how that corresponds to the LSC, ‘cos I’m not really familiar with MAC stuff. Or just check out that foundation chart again 🙂 If you get a LSC that’s roughly your color, it’ll work – it’s really forgiving in that aspect.

The MAC Select and Becca concealers are really different – the MAC is quite thin, so it’s quicker to blend but you need to layer it. It’s good if you have quite flawless skin already and just want a bit of coverage. I use it just on my under eye circles.
The Becca concealer, however, is suitable for both circles and blemishes. The Extra Coverage side is incredible for zits – covers them up and looks natural when you pat the Loose Powder over it! And the Medium Coverage gives great coverage under the eyes and really lasts – longer than the MAC.

Woo hoo, I’m won over! I definitely will get the LSC and the concealer then! Now Im a little afraid that I might get the wrong concealer shade for me! But ive got super dark eye rings.. so perhaps 1 or 2 shades lighter shd be okie… =P

Thanks, will check out on MUA later! =P

Hehe, you’ll like it! I love how it looks like you have no makeup. and yeah, the LSC is sheer, but paired with the Loose Powder, it gives a glowy and smooth finish. But if you have any uneven skin areas, blemishes, or red marks.. use the concealer and/or stick foundation on problem areas *after* the LSC, then pat the loose powder (with a powder puff and press in, not a brush) over everything. That’s what they did during the makeover and even though I have a huge zit near my right eyebrow, you can’t see it in the pic 😛 I have BAD eye circles too, and the concealer is great, I use it after the LSC and they disappear, yay!

wow, this sounds great! I just went down to town and checked my skin again. Im VLWC in Golden Beigh, MAC NC25 in Studiotech foundation (this broke me out, aarrgghh). Do u think I can just use the concealer on its own after my own liq. foundation? pls advise, thank you! =)

I called Becca to check – they said you should be a Cashew or Macademia concealer. The Macademia is a match with the VLWC Golden Beige, but if you want the concealer to be a bit lighter for dark circles, etc.. the Cashew is better.

As for application, use the LSC first, then the concealer on top. But there’s no reason why you can’t just use the concealer by itself or with other products. You need to set it with powder though, and their Loose Powder is outstanding – very soft and fine and makes the concealer water/fade resistant. HTH 🙂

Wow.. thanks for the help Beverly! Can u help me get the Becca concealer in Cashew then? just this item. Have to try out first. PLMK whether u can help me custom buy this and I’ll pay you when u are back. =) Thank you!!! =)

Sure thing 🙂 I will need the money first though, to custom purchase it with! I don’t pay out of my own funds anymore, ‘cos the last time I did that 2 ladies backed out and I was left with the product and a lot of headache :T So now, for everyone, I will custom purchase once I actually have the money to do it with.. hope you understand!

You can give the $$ to someone in SG and have them Paypal it over, or send AU cash to me – either way is fine 🙂

Oh! And the Bloom bronzer is AU$34.95, let me know if you want that too along with the Cashew Concealer k 🙂

Hi there…

Sure no problem. Im not sure whether they can paypal to you thou’… the becca concealer is AUD45 right? So plus this AUD35 is AUD80… plus shipping is how much roughly?

Shipping should be AU$6 – $7. ‘Cos it’s AU$6.50 to send an e/s or light item to the US, so I assume it’ll be the same for Singapore for a slightly heavier package 🙂 It would be awesome if you could get someone to Paypal, ‘cos it’s really safe and I can get the stuff for you asap. Let me know how it goes 🙂 YOu’ll love the stuff, the concealer is my fave out of all concealers, and same with the bronzer!

am officially jealous. wana fly back to aussieland just to buy makeup!!!!

so what’s so good about Becca? i.e. the “must haves” for this brand

I dunno where you are.. but it’s also in the US (New York), if you live anywhere near there! Becca is basically looking like you have luminous flawless skin naturally – it doesn’t look like you have makeup on, just really clear glowing skin 🙂

The Luminous Skin Foundation (LSC) and Loose Powder are the most popular – they basically give that glowy look.
I honestly think that pretty much ALL the products are awesome though! used together, they really give a great no-makeup look 🙂 Check out http//www.beccacosmetics.com they have lots of info there!

hey 🙂

Just got back to Singapore. Where in Sydney can you buy Becca? Is it at Mecca?


I’ll be there next week.. CAN’T WAIT! I miss SG so much :T

Oh, and yeah, Becca’s at Mecca Cosmetica.. I go to the one in the City, on Elizabeth Streeth!

i can’t wait to check out BECCA when i fly to perth this july. what’s that glow-making thingy called again?

Becca first opened in Perth, so you’ll be in the first store ever opened, hehe. The glow is the Luminous Skin Foundation, otherwise known as the LSC. It’s a sheer coverage moisturizer, basically.. hydrates the skin and gives a luminous glow to the skin. It looks best when set with the loose powder ‘cos it makes water and fade resistent!

Wow Bev, you look glowy after the Becca makeover 🙂 The makeup looks totally natural. I’ll definitely check out Becca if it comes to Singapore. I wonder if the website ships internationally?

Yeah, I love the dewy glowy look it gives, and it doesn’t feel like I have makeup on too 😀 I don’t know if they ship intl, but if you want I can just custom buy for you and then ship it over with your UD blush 🙂

Thanks for the offer 🙂 I’ll let you know once I decide which products I want to get. I’m so greedy…I wanna try it all!

No prob 🙂 Check out Productville on MUA too, it’ll give you an idea of what’s good. I’ll send off your blush tomorrow, or would you rather wait for me to send it off with the Becca? That way you save on shipping, cos I can send it all in 1 package registered mail instead of paying for it twice.. but I won’t go to Becca ’till Mon so you’ll have to wait a few more days before I send out the package.. Let me know 🙂

I’d would have them in two different packages if that’s not too much trouble for you ‘cos I haven’t quite decided what to get. I’d check out Productville on MUA right away. Will let you know once I’ve decided. Are you going to Becca on monday to get new Becca stuff for yourself? Remember to post your raves/rants 🙂 That will help me decide what to get.

Nah it’s not a prob. I can send the blush tomorrow, and then the Becca stuff whenever you decide what you want and I buy it. I’ll be at Becca on Mon probably, but don’t think I’ll get anything unless something catches my eye! I made a few reviews on Productville though, so check it out if you’re interested 🙂 Try and get back to me by mon morning what you want, ‘cos I have exams after that and most likely won’t be going out that often..

I’ll probably place an order soon, umm… maybe after your exams. Wouldn’t want you to run errands for me and neglect your studies 🙂 It will also give me a considerable amount of time to decide what i REALLY want, as oppose to what I want…lol. When does your exams end? By the way, best of luck for your exams! 😉

Wow beverly, I like yr skin! Always so glowy and radiant *drools*…

So is the Becca really good? is it only avail. in Sydney or in other states too? I can;t get into the Becca official website although I’ve updated my flash player… dang..

*lol* that’s the BECCA!! They used the Luminous Skin Color on me, as well as the shimmer to highlight – that’s why I look all glowy 😛

I loooove Becca, the stuff really is awesome and totally worth it. It makes you look like you have good skin, and not like you’re faking it with makeup. not sure why the Becca site doesn’t work for you though, that sucks 🙁 Oh, it’s in Sydney and Perth and Melbourne, but I think that’s about it.. I spoke to Rebecca, the owner, though.. and I said that Singaporeans would be really interested in her line and she said she was planning on opening there too!

woo hoo, if Rebecca really open her counters in SG, I’ll make sure Im the first one! =)

Thanks for the info! My friend’s in Brisbane.. so she can’t get Becca for me. =(

If you want me to custom purchase anything for you, feel free to ask 🙂 It’s cheaper here in Australia and shipping to SG will be way less than from the States. I’m also going to SG early July for 2 weeks so I can buy you the stuff then meet up with you then or something.. Alternatively you can just order straight from the Becca site! Totally recommend the stuff 🙂

Wow Beverly, is it true? Im real keen to try out but has no idea.. any recommendations here? heard that Becca has lotsa colors for their foundations and concealers.. I heard that the LSC and the concealer are real good… if u can get me these 2, I’ll be eternally grateful! =)

Becca recs? The LSC, it’s super glowy and pretty! But since you’re in SG with humid weather, I’d definitely use their loose powder to set it – it makes it waterproof and fade resistent for up to 8 hours. The 2 combined gives really gorgeous skin. I also use the concealer, which is great for eye circles and blemishes – it goes on thick, yet dries to a smooth even finish.

I also love the Princess loose shimmer powder as a highlighter. And the Pink Gold lipgloss is *amazing*! It’s not tacky and doesn’t dry out lips, and it doesn’t have a gross strong scent. It’s a lovely color too – sheer pink that flashes gold.

If you want me to custom buy any of it, email me and let me know the colors you want, etc. Shipping to SG is pretty cheap from AU too 🙂

I’ll be there 12 July, so if you can wait ’till then.. I can meet up with you and give you the Becca stuff and you save on shipping. But if you can’t wait, then I can buy it on Mon and ship it to you straightaway 😀

Sure no problem! I think I prefer shipping.. but how do I pay you? I’ve got no Paypal.. or maybe we shd wait till u come over. keke.. =P

then I can see you in real person, u are so pretty! Always loved yr skin.. *hangs my head down in shame*!

If you don’t have Paypal, you can either give the cash to someone in SG (Delia, Farah, Stella, etc?) and have them Paypal it to me (preferred, cos this is lots safer!) or you can send AU cash via registered mail to me.. And then once I get it, I’ll go buy your stuff then send it to you 🙂 Shipping should be from AU$5-$15, depending on what you get.

But yeah, alternatively, if you want to wait I can just bring the Becca stuff with me to SG so you save on shipping. We should meet up anyway, get a couple of us SG MUAers and have a meet somewhere – I’ve only met a handful of people, so would love to meet you and others!

And to answer your question about costs:
loose powder AU$58
concealer AU$45
pink gold lipgloss AU$37 – if you think this will wash you out, try “pink”. it gives a beestung look, and is a sheer rosey red/pink.

(Conversions at http://www.xe.net/ucc)

thanks bev! U are super sweet! *licks yr face* LOL

I wanna get the LSC and the concealer… but read that the LSC is supersheer… I wonder whether this is good enough for coverage? or maybe I could use some concealer to go over my pores and eye rings… =P

Hey bev, sorry again. =P

How much is the Becca LSC, loose powder, concealer and the pink gold lipgloss (actually, i think it might look washed out on my since I’ve got quite pinky lips) costs? gotta have an idea first before I declare myself bankrupt! =P

hey Bev, btw, can I know yr coloring? we seem similiar.. are u pink-toned? Im yellow-toned and is bet. MAC NC20 and NC25… is the online swatches at the website accurate? Sorry to ask so many questions! =P

Have you seen the Becca foundation chart? If you search on MUA, someone did it 🙂 But I use LSC in Olive, and I’m a MAC concealer NW20, a Chantecaille Shea, a VLWC Cream Beige. HTH!

Hmm.. I didn’t see any Becca foundation chart.. mind pointing out the URL for me? =)

NW20.. is it diff. from NC25? I checked out a foundation chart (http://www.geocities.com/chiaxx/foundation.html) and the LSC suitable for me seems to be cashmere or camel.. but I’ve got no idea whether this suits me or not! And I definitely want to get the concealer… =)

The link you just gave me is the chart I was referring to, hehe! The NW range is for warm skins, NC for cool. I’m surprisd you’re an NC, ‘cos most asians are warm-based! But I use NW20 concealer, and the Becca Macadamia concealer.

As for the LSC, to be honest, don’t stress out too much about the right color. It’s sheer and the color is *very* forgiving – I find that 2-3 different colors look great on me, and if you ask on MUA, most ladies will say the thing. Best to post on MUA and ask if anyone’s the same skin color as you and see if anyone can help with an LSC color 🙂

Oooh ok… yah I think Im funny too.. I shd be warm-skinned.. me going down to MAC with some LJ’ers later… gonna check out my shades again and contact you back again can? =)

I’ll ask them what’s the select cover-up concealer for me and you can help me with it! Btw, do you personally prefer the MAC or the becca concealer??? =) Sorry to ask so many questions! =P

Yeah.. definitely check out what MAC foundation and concealer shade you are. But best to ask on MUA how that corresponds to the LSC, ‘cos I’m not really familiar with MAC stuff. Or just check out that foundation chart again 🙂 If you get a LSC that’s roughly your color, it’ll work – it’s really forgiving in that aspect.

The MAC Select and Becca concealers are really different – the MAC is quite thin, so it’s quicker to blend but you need to layer it. It’s good if you have quite flawless skin already and just want a bit of coverage. I use it just on my under eye circles.
The Becca concealer, however, is suitable for both circles and blemishes. The Extra Coverage side is incredible for zits – covers them up and looks natural when you pat the Loose Powder over it! And the Medium Coverage gives great coverage under the eyes and really lasts – longer than the MAC.

Woo hoo, I’m won over! I definitely will get the LSC and the concealer then! Now Im a little afraid that I might get the wrong concealer shade for me! But ive got super dark eye rings.. so perhaps 1 or 2 shades lighter shd be okie… =P

Thanks, will check out on MUA later! =P

Hehe, you’ll like it! I love how it looks like you have no makeup. and yeah, the LSC is sheer, but paired with the Loose Powder, it gives a glowy and smooth finish. But if you have any uneven skin areas, blemishes, or red marks.. use the concealer and/or stick foundation on problem areas *after* the LSC, then pat the loose powder (with a powder puff and press in, not a brush) over everything. That’s what they did during the makeover and even though I have a huge zit near my right eyebrow, you can’t see it in the pic 😛 I have BAD eye circles too, and the concealer is great, I use it after the LSC and they disappear, yay!

wow, this sounds great! I just went down to town and checked my skin again. Im VLWC in Golden Beigh, MAC NC25 in Studiotech foundation (this broke me out, aarrgghh). Do u think I can just use the concealer on its own after my own liq. foundation? pls advise, thank you! =)

I called Becca to check – they said you should be a Cashew or Macademia concealer. The Macademia is a match with the VLWC Golden Beige, but if you want the concealer to be a bit lighter for dark circles, etc.. the Cashew is better.

As for application, use the LSC first, then the concealer on top. But there’s no reason why you can’t just use the concealer by itself or with other products. You need to set it with powder though, and their Loose Powder is outstanding – very soft and fine and makes the concealer water/fade resistant. HTH 🙂

Wow.. thanks for the help Beverly! Can u help me get the Becca concealer in Cashew then? just this item. Have to try out first. PLMK whether u can help me custom buy this and I’ll pay you when u are back. =) Thank you!!! =)

Sure thing 🙂 I will need the money first though, to custom purchase it with! I don’t pay out of my own funds anymore, ‘cos the last time I did that 2 ladies backed out and I was left with the product and a lot of headache :T So now, for everyone, I will custom purchase once I actually have the money to do it with.. hope you understand!

You can give the $$ to someone in SG and have them Paypal it over, or send AU cash to me – either way is fine 🙂

Oh! And the Bloom bronzer is AU$34.95, let me know if you want that too along with the Cashew Concealer k 🙂

Hi there…

Sure no problem. Im not sure whether they can paypal to you thou’… the becca concealer is AUD45 right? So plus this AUD35 is AUD80… plus shipping is how much roughly?

Shipping should be AU$6 – $7. ‘Cos it’s AU$6.50 to send an e/s or light item to the US, so I assume it’ll be the same for Singapore for a slightly heavier package 🙂 It would be awesome if you could get someone to Paypal, ‘cos it’s really safe and I can get the stuff for you asap. Let me know how it goes 🙂 YOu’ll love the stuff, the concealer is my fave out of all concealers, and same with the bronzer!