Uncategorized Protected: Mini-rant 4 October 2001

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My 2 Cents

Hey Beverly…

I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with you but I am actually writing my semester research paper on this issue (The Media’s Effect on Eating Disorders Among Teenage Girls). Studies that I have read have shown that there is a definite correlation between girls who have eating disorders (be it anoerexia, bulimia, extreme calorie counting, etc.) and the frequency in which they read women’s health and fitness magazines. I personally do not think it’s just the magazines doing this, the girls have to be slightly unstable and insecure in the first place. But I definately think that there is a lot of pressure from magazines, television, movies, etc. for girls to be abnormally thin these days. I don’t know about you but when I see all the movie stars who used to be thin but are now extremely thin I tend to reevaluate the way I look, ya know? It seems like a competition for them to see who can be the skinniest and who can lose the most weight.

Something else that bothers me…since we’re ranting lol…is how all of the sudden all these girls like Tara Reid, Jennifer Aniston, etc….are wearing their pants ultra-low and their pelvic bones are showing. Since when is it cool to have clothes hang off of you? No offense to anyone who is thin like that because to tell you the truth I’d probably be wearing it if I could ๐Ÿ™‚ And I also understand that some people are naturally thin so this is not directed to them.

Finally…and this is kind of funny yet sad at the same time…my sister was telling me about some fashion designer who wanted the girls in his shows so skinny that the clothes hung off of them because he wanted it to look like the clothes were on a hanger!!! Wow…what has the world come to, pretty superficial, eh? Alright – that was my 2 cents. Bye girl!

Re: My 2 Cents

Definitely – magazines DO play a part because they’re used by these girls as ‘role models’. But I think there’s something up with their confidence first, and I just think it’s wrong to put ALL the blame on magazines for featuring thin women.

I love hipsters, but having your bones showing is a bit wrong – I don’t see why those celebs can’t see they actually look better with a bit of meat on their bones?!

My 2 Cents

Hey Beverly…

I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with you but I am actually writing my semester research paper on this issue (The Media’s Effect on Eating Disorders Among Teenage Girls). Studies that I have read have shown that there is a definite correlation between girls who have eating disorders (be it anoerexia, bulimia, extreme calorie counting, etc.) and the frequency in which they read women’s health and fitness magazines. I personally do not think it’s just the magazines doing this, the girls have to be slightly unstable and insecure in the first place. But I definately think that there is a lot of pressure from magazines, television, movies, etc. for girls to be abnormally thin these days. I don’t know about you but when I see all the movie stars who used to be thin but are now extremely thin I tend to reevaluate the way I look, ya know? It seems like a competition for them to see who can be the skinniest and who can lose the most weight.

Something else that bothers me…since we’re ranting lol…is how all of the sudden all these girls like Tara Reid, Jennifer Aniston, etc….are wearing their pants ultra-low and their pelvic bones are showing. Since when is it cool to have clothes hang off of you? No offense to anyone who is thin like that because to tell you the truth I’d probably be wearing it if I could ๐Ÿ™‚ And I also understand that some people are naturally thin so this is not directed to them.

Finally…and this is kind of funny yet sad at the same time…my sister was telling me about some fashion designer who wanted the girls in his shows so skinny that the clothes hung off of them because he wanted it to look like the clothes were on a hanger!!! Wow…what has the world come to, pretty superficial, eh? Alright – that was my 2 cents. Bye girl!

Re: My 2 Cents

Definitely – magazines DO play a part because they’re used by these girls as ‘role models’. But I think there’s something up with their confidence first, and I just think it’s wrong to put ALL the blame on magazines for featuring thin women.

I love hipsters, but having your bones showing is a bit wrong – I don’t see why those celebs can’t see they actually look better with a bit of meat on their bones?!

about eating disorders…

okay, i’ve sort of being having issues eating because i feel like i’m too fat. but actually, i’m underweight. and i don’t want to have problemsm but i can’t help it, when i see slim beautiful girls at university i feel inadequate. and it’s not the magazines that create this – it’s society in general. so if people want to go around bashing magazines maybe they should start with fixing the society first.

Re: about eating disorders…

I think it’s really easy to feel inadequate – there is NO WAY anyone can be the most intelligent, most beautiful, etc, girl in the world. But I think that if you let it get to you – then that’s when a disorder can start. So I think it’s more about confidence than solely because of magazines using slim models.

Here in Australia, everyone is bashing magazines for using slim girls. But really, thin beautiful girls sell, and refusing to accept that is really silly, because that’s just how the (unfair) world works…

It’s like what people say about Barbie dolls. “She presents an unhealthy image,” “No one can actually have a body like that,” etc. Give me a break, people.

Fashion mags are in the business of pushing designer clothes, and the designers are going to put them on the girls that will [b]best showcase the outfit[\b]. They’re not thinking that some girl in Timbuktu will see the layout and start retching.

Maybe designers should start making clothes that everyone will look good in… something that shows less skin, perhaps? ๐Ÿ™‚

Hahhah those designer clothes on the catwalk are UTTERLY unwearable in real life! They have bits dangling around, and some are see-through. It’s so unrealistic. Considering a FASHION SHOW is supposed to showcase fashion that you can wear, featuing all that ‘weird’ clothes is kind of missing the point ๐Ÿ˜‰

about eating disorders…

okay, i’ve sort of being having issues eating because i feel like i’m too fat. but actually, i’m underweight. and i don’t want to have problemsm but i can’t help it, when i see slim beautiful girls at university i feel inadequate. and it’s not the magazines that create this – it’s society in general. so if people want to go around bashing magazines maybe they should start with fixing the society first.

Re: about eating disorders…

I think it’s really easy to feel inadequate – there is NO WAY anyone can be the most intelligent, most beautiful, etc, girl in the world. But I think that if you let it get to you – then that’s when a disorder can start. So I think it’s more about confidence than solely because of magazines using slim models.

Here in Australia, everyone is bashing magazines for using slim girls. But really, thin beautiful girls sell, and refusing to accept that is really silly, because that’s just how the (unfair) world works…

It’s like what people say about Barbie dolls. “She presents an unhealthy image,” “No one can actually have a body like that,” etc. Give me a break, people.

Fashion mags are in the business of pushing designer clothes, and the designers are going to put them on the girls that will [b]best showcase the outfit[\b]. They’re not thinking that some girl in Timbuktu will see the layout and start retching.

Maybe designers should start making clothes that everyone will look good in… something that shows less skin, perhaps? ๐Ÿ™‚

Hahhah those designer clothes on the catwalk are UTTERLY unwearable in real life! They have bits dangling around, and some are see-through. It’s so unrealistic. Considering a FASHION SHOW is supposed to showcase fashion that you can wear, featuing all that ‘weird’ clothes is kind of missing the point ๐Ÿ˜‰