Uncategorized Protected: Timetabling 26 July 2001

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Let’s Chat!

Let's Chat!

God, you lucky thing. Almost every day I have 7 hours, 9am-4pm with only half an hour’s break in between. *Definitely* no days off and I’m up at 7.30 every day, so I’m not quite sure why you’re so upset about 8.30.
And no one brings me food, anyway.

GUH! That’s something shockin’… Getting up at 7:30am honestly might kill me πŸ˜› I suppose I’m pissed off at my Tues 10am start because I’m so not a morning person – I tend to get up around lunchtime, so getting up in the morning puts my entire bodyclock out of whack. Boo.

God, you lucky thing. Almost every day I have 7 hours, 9am-4pm with only half an hour’s break in between. *Definitely* no days off and I’m up at 7.30 every day, so I’m not quite sure why you’re so upset about 8.30.
And no one brings me food, anyway.

GUH! That’s something shockin’… Getting up at 7:30am honestly might kill me πŸ˜› I suppose I’m pissed off at my Tues 10am start because I’m so not a morning person – I tend to get up around lunchtime, so getting up in the morning puts my entire bodyclock out of whack. Boo.

Bangkok Photos

hi, where are the photos u took plentiful while in BKK? would love to view them!

Bangkok Photos

hi, where are the photos u took plentiful while in BKK? would love to view them!