OFF TO CONRAD HOTEL 11 March 2007 in Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

We’re off to the Conrad Hotel! The big wedding dinner is there tonight, and a bunch of us have rooms there so we can stay overnight.. very useful since it kicks on to late 😉 Byeeeeeeeee!!

ECONOMICAL RICE in FOOD, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

Had a simple lunch the day before the wedding.. of Economical Rice. I’ve only really recently discovered the delights of Economical Rice – it’s basically somewhere where you get a plate of rice, and you choose little side dishes to go with it. It...

SHE’S ALL GROWN UP in Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

My ‘lil cousin Amanda () is now a married woman!!! Eee.. what a weird thought 😛 Too exhausted to say anything else, and I’ll also wait till she posts her official pics first 🙂