EASTER PARTY AND EGG HUNT 2015 6 April 2015 in Friends, Living in... Singapore, Parties

25 families. 750 eggs. It was pretty epic! A few of us ran around like busy bunnies moments before the party started, hiding away all 750 of those easter eggs. Almost everyone rocked up on time and the kids were all buzzing with excitement...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS! 29 March 2015 in Birthdays, Friends, Parties

Chris’ birthday came and went this week, with little fanfare as we (ie. the entire nation) was subdued in light of Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s founding Prime Minister’s, passing. This is the reason why I’ve vanished off the blogging world for the past week. I...

RACE OVER TO HUNTER’S 4TH BIRTHDAY PARTY 26 January 2015 in Birthdays, Hunter, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE, Hunter's progress, Parties

I still clearly remember the day Hunter was born, and his 1st (spaceships) birthday, then his 2nd (Thomas the train) birthday, then his 3rd (construction) birthday. And now, he’s already FOUR years old? Man, kids grow up so quickly – blink and you’ll miss...

OUR HOUSEWARMING :) 14 December 2014 in HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE, Living in... Singapore, Parties, Playdates

We’ve been at our new place for a few weeks now, so decided to have a bit of a Housewarming party as well as a general get together, as I hadn’t caught up with some friends for yonks since I was eyeballs-deep in doing...

A 21-MONTH OLD DAREDEVIL 20 May 2014 in Birthdays, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE, Parties, Playdates

  Sometimes I wonder where Carter got his daredevil streak from. Neither Chris nor I are particularly gung-ho, and whilst we do encourage rough-and-tumble behaviour (we DO have boys, after all!), it’s not like we’re throwing ’em off cliffs or anything. But Carter, how...