Protected: TWO SHANGHAI BITCHES 28 February 2011 in Living in... Shanghai, Uncategorized

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SHANGHAI SNOW 16 December 2010 in Ferrets, Living in... Shanghai, Uncategorized

After the excitement of yesterday’s snow, we woke up to absolutely frigid temperatures today. The snow hadn’t melted overnight, but it’s this glorious soft powder-snow that’s dry. So I’m thankful it’s not that gross and grey slushy kind when it’s all half-melted! It’s actually...

IT’S FREAKIN’ SNOWING! 15 December 2010 in Living in... Shanghai, Uncategorized

It was pretty warm last week in Shanghai.. as in, I could wear a long-sleeved top and pants, and be just fine. Today, it snowed. Hard! The weather dropped to -2°C (brrrrrrrr) today and it snowed non-stop. D’you know how RARE that is for...

A CAVERN OF ICE 15 April 2010 in Living in... Shanghai, Uncategorized

One really annoying thing about living here? Often, you get quite dodgily-made stuff. It looks OK, but then you realise it falls apart at the drop of a hat. Arghhh. Case in point? Our fridge. It was provided by our landlord, and they’d obviously...

LIVE FROM SHANGHAI 14 December 2009 in eBay, Living in... Shanghai, Uncategorized

Delicious cupcakes from our agency. How cute are they?!?!