Hunter, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE, Things my kids say... HUNTER CHATS 21 December 2013

Hunter’s heaps better today, just in time for all our Christmas celebrations coming up 🙂 We have 4 Christmas parties coming right up, and also Christmas service on Wed, so it’ll be a pretty packed week!

He was well enough to, out of the blue, ask to read his Finding Nemo book to me himself. We’ve never really read the book to him before, so he’s just regurgitating what he understands the plot to be from the movie.

Hunter and I chat a lot every evening, when he’s doing his business on the toilet. We discuss a whole lot of hilarious and very deep things, and I never get round to video-ing it because I’m having so much fun in the moment with him. But I did manage to whip out my phone last night and got this little gem!


Oh Hunter, you amuse me so! Please stay so sweet, and so innocent.


Let’s Chat!

Let's Chat!

Hi, may I know where did you get those kid’s steps & handles to place at the toilet bowl? Thanks in advance! 🙂

Hi ya,
Did you know that the Nemo book is personalised and mentions Hunter, Carter and Elliot having an adventure. It was from Aunty Kelly..