Hunter “GO GET TEDDY!” 18 December 2011

In the past month or two, Hunter’s been able to understand really simple instructions and words. Stuff like “Where are your shoes, Hunter?” and basic stuff like that. Particularly cute when we say “Where are Mummy and Daddy, Hunter?” and he looks cheerily at our family portrait hanging on the wall πŸ™‚

His favourite word is, of course, Teddy. I actually think it’s one of the very first words he learned to understand. Anyway, I finally got round to capturing a video of him searching for and getting Teddy when I ask him too!


Those lil ride-em cars? MAN HE LOVES 'EM!


Figurines are fun to clamor onto as well


Taken a while back, but this is one of my fave pics of my boys πŸ™‚


Let’s Chat!

Let's Chat!

awww he’s so cute! Does the “teddy” sound like “daddy” too sometimes..because I thought it did! Then again my hearing isn’t what it used to